
Our ESG, Our people

ESG Management Strategies

SK bioscience has been making sincere sustainability efforts based on our corporate mission of ‘Promoting human health, from prevention to cure’. We have established an ESG management system and strategy, centered around our ESG vision of ‘Healthier Life, Sustainable Future’, and have identified and implemented specific tasks for each area. We will secure the momentum for sustainable growth by managing environmental and social risks and operating with transparent governance.

ESG 경영 전략 프로세스 : 자세한 내용은 아래를 참고해주세요.
  • Mission
    We promote human health, from prevention to cure 우리는 인류의 건강을 증진시킨다. 예방부터 치료까지
  • Vision
    Global Innovative Partner of Vaccine and Biotech
  • ESG Vision
    Healthier Life, Sustainable Future
  • ESG 전략방향 및 목표
    • 친환경 경영체계 구축
      환경경영체계 고도화
      Net Zero 실현을 통한 기후변화 대응
    • 이해관계자 행복 추구
      인재/인권경영 확대
      지역사회 SV 창출
    • 업(業) 연계 사회적 가치 창출
      비즈니스 통한 SV 창출
      글로벌 바이오 생태계 구축
    지속가능하고 투명한 거버넌스 운영
    • ESG 경영 내재화
    • 이사회 중심 경영 강화
  • UN SDGs
    • 6 Clean Water and sanitation
    • 7 affordable and clean energy
    • 12 responsible consumption and production
    • 13 climate action
    • 15 Life on Land
    • 3 Good health and well-being
    • 4 Quality education
    • 5 Gender equality
    • 8 Decent work and Economic Growth
    • 10 Reduced Inequalities
    • 11 Sustainable cities and communities
    • 16 Peace, Justice and strong institutions
    • 1 No poverty
    • 9 Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
    • 17 Partnerships for the goals

Establishment of ESG Management System

SK bioscience aims to establish a robust foundation for promoting ESG through the implementation of an ESG management system. The ESG Committee operates under the Board of Directors. It oversees companywide ESG management activities, performance, and follow-up plans. Moreover, it identifies potential risks and opportunities to ensure they are reflected in decision-making processes. The ESG Team is responsible for executing ESG management strategies and tasks. It handles practical matters related to ESG activities and responds to information disclosure and evaluation. As a responsible global bio company, SK bioscience is committed to contributing to the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals(UN SDGs) by practicing ESG management at a global level, guided by our company-wide ESG management system.

Results of ESG management strategy system and implementing tasks in 2022
평가 대응, ESG 전략, ESG 활동, 정보공개
  • Establishment of ESG strategies and policies and identification of improvement tasks

    • Established/Revised ESG-related policies
    • Set up ESG management direction/strategic system
    • Identified short- and medium-to-long-term improvement tasks by assessing the gap with the industry’s leading company
  • Enhancement of ESG disclosure/ communication

    • Communicated with stakeholders through materiality assessment
    • Published 2022 SK bioscience ESG Report
    • Expanded information disclosure by establishing a dedicated ESG website
  • Implementation of improvement tasks of each area

    • Published a TCFD report for climate change response
    • Conducted human rights impact assessments/ supply chain due diligence

ESG Management Strategy Framework

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals(UN SDGs) are a set of global objectives to be achieved by the international community from 2016 to 2030. As a member of the international community, SK bioscience is committed to contributing to the achievement of the UN SDGs. This commitment is guided by our unwavering mission of ‘Promoting Human Health’ and ESG vision of ‘Healthier Life, Sustainable Future’. We actively pursue various activities through our ESG management strategies in accordance with the SDGs.

ESG 경영 전략체계 프로세스, 자세한 내용은 표를 참고해 주세요.
ESG 경영 전략체계 프로세스
ESG 전략방향 환경 (E) 사회 (S) 지배구조 (G)
ESG 8대 전략목표 1. 환경경영체계 고도화 2. Net Zero 실현을 통한 기후변화 대응 3. 인재/인권경영 확대 4. 지역사회 SV 창출 5. 비즈니스 통한 SV 창출 6. 글로벌 바이오 생태계 구축 7. ESG 경영 내재화 8. 이사회 중심 경영 강화
ESG 중점 활동 영역
  1. 1-1 환경경영체계 구축
  2. 1-2 환경경영체계 운영 및 내재화
  3. 1-3 환경경영 성과 관리 및 모니터링
  4. 1-4 생물다양성 보호
  5. 1-5 Zero Waste 달성
  6. 1-6 화학물질 관리
  7. 1-7 대기오염물질 및 배출 관리
  8. 1-8 Waste Stewardship
  9. 1-9 순환경제체계 구축
  1. 2-1 기후변화 대응 전략 수립 및 이행
  2. 2-2 온실가스 배출관리 및 저감
  3. 2-3 에너지 사용 관리 및 저감
  1. 3-1 인권경영 체계 구축
  2. 3-2 인권경영 이행
  3. 3-3 차별 금지 및 다양성 존중
  4. 3-4 인적 자원 관리
  5. 3-5 구성원 행복 증진
  6. 3-6 구성원 역량 강화 및 지원
  1. 4-1 사회공헌활동 추진
  2. 4-2 지역사회 커뮤니케이션 확대
  1. 5-1 가격접근성 관리
  2. 5-2 의약품 접근성 확대
  1. 6-1 공급망 ESG 리스크 관리
  2. 6-2 공급망 ESG 역량 강화
  3. 6-3 협력사 동반성장 지원
  4. 6-4 협력사 공정거래 준수
  1. 7-1 ESG 경영 체계 구축 및 운영
  2. 7-2 전사 리스크 관리 체계 고도화
  3. 7-3 투명한 경영체계 확립
  1. 8-1 이사회 독립성/전문성/다양성 추구
  2. <8-2 이사회 평가보상 체계 수립/li>
SDGs Impact
  • 6 Clean Water and sanitation
  • 7 affordable and clean energy
  • 12 responsible consumption and production
  • 13 climate action
  • 15 Life on Land
  • 3 Good health and well-being
  • 4 Quality education
  • 5 Gender equality
  • 8 Decent work and Economic Growth
  • 10 Reduced Inequalities
  • 11 Sustainable cities and communities
  • 16 Peace, Justice and strong institutions
  • 1 No poverty
  • 9 Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
  • 17 Partnerships for the goals

ESG Management Implementation Structure

SK bioscience has established an ESG Management Implementation Structure to elevate its ESG management to the level of a global leading company. This structure is designed to manage non-financial risks and create new business opportunities effectively. For systematic ESG management, It comprises the ESG Committee, ESG Working-level Council, and ESG Team. The ESG Committee, operating under the Board of Directors, serves as the highest deliberation and decision-making body for ESG management. On the other hand, the ESG Working-level Council is responsible for implementing ESG improvement tasks and creating tangible outcomes. The ESG Working-level Council implements short and medium-to-long-term improvement tasks related to ESG. Meanwhile, the ESG Team is in charge of company-wide ESG works, including reporting management-level meetings, decision-making support. It also handles information disclosure and responds to external evaluation agencies.

ESG Management Implementation Structure
ESG 경영 추진체계 프로세스, 자세한 내용은 아래를 참고해주세요.
  • 이사회 보고

    • 이사회
    • ESG위원회
  • 경영층 회의체

    • 전략기획실
    • ESG팀
  • 실무 회의체

    • ESG실무협의체
  • ESG전략방향에 따른 실무조직

    • 친환경 경영체계 구축
    • 이해관계자 행복추구
      인재경영/인권경영 /사회공헌 담당조직
    • 업(業) 연계 사회적 가치 창출
    • 지속가능하고 투명한 거버넌스 운영
      이사회 사무국/ 윤리·준법 경영/공시 담당조직
  • 2가지 기능

    • 비재무적 리스크 관리
    • 사업 연계 신규기회 창출 등

ESG Committee

In 2021, SK bioscience established the ESG Committee, which comprises one executive director and two outside directors, under the Board. To ensure effective committee operation, the company revised the ESG Committee Regulations. The primary role of the ESG Committee is to review and advise on management strategies and directions for the company’s sustainable growth. Additionally, the ESG Committee is responsible for setting ESG activity goals and developing detailed action plans. It also conducts reviews of activities and information disclosures, which allow the committee to make well-informed decisions regarding ESG risks and opportunities.

Major Role of ESG Committee

Setting mid- and long-term directions and goals for ESG management and managing the implementation of improvement tasks

Review and advise on business strategy and non-financial risks

Review of various other ESG-related decisions

Attendance Status of ESG Committee
ESG위원회 참석 현황표
Name Category 2022 Attendance Rate
Chang-Jin Moon Outside Director 100%
Jeong-Wook Choi Outside Director 100%
Jae Yong Ahn Executive Director 100%
Major Agenda of ESG Committee
2022년 ESG위원회 주요 안건 내용
Date Major Agenda (content)
1 2022.02.28. Review of the ESG Management Plan for 2022
2 2022.04.18. Review the establishment of ESG strategy and report on the progress of the ESG report
3 2022.05.10. Report on the status of ESG report publication(vision and materiality assessment, etc.)
4 2022.07.20. Report on the progress of climate change response and revision of the Human Rights Management Declaration
5 2022.10.13. Report on ESG assessment response and publication of TCFD report
6 2022.12.15. Report on the Global Bio Ecosystem Management Plan and the progress of Jigwanseoga