
Happiness-based Managemnet

Happiness-based Managemnet

Increasing Happiness of employees

Happiness Level Diagnosis

SK bioscience diagnoses the current level of happiness of its employees and makes continuous efforts to improve it. To this end, in 2022, we have created a happy environment, respected diversity for employee happiness, and built a happy labor-management culture. We plan to continue to build a virtuous cycle of happiness management through happiness diagnosis, communication, and problem-solving.

SK Culture Survey

SK bioscience conducts the SK Culture Survey every year to diagnose its level of organizational culture. This survey helps identify issues and trends within the company, identfiy tasks to resolve problems, and cultivate a healthy organizational culture. Taking the survey results into account, in 2022, we introduced a healing program to improve the work-life balance of employees who overworked an average of 38 hours or more per month. Our plan is to create an organizational culture where all employees can immerse themselves in their work in a happy state and achieve the best outcomes.

Goodlife Lab Happiness Diagnosis

In May 2023, SK bioscience conducted a Good Life Happiness Diagnosis for all employees to assess their personal happiness levels to identify factors that contribute to their personal/workplace happiness. We plan to organize organizational-level solution workshops and conduct a second diagnosis in the second half of 2023.

Happy communication


SK bioscience operates SKBS+, a program that shares the company’s business performance and the implementation process of strategic tasks with all employees on a quarterly basis. Through this program, employees can develop a deeper understanding of the company’s mission, vision, and overall management. Furthermore, the CEO conducts Q&A sessions with employees to have open communication regarding overall management.

Happy Man Talk

Happy Man Talk is a program in which the CEO and employees of SK bioscience engage in discussions about happiness. Through this program, we make it clear that the ultimate goal of company management is ‘the happiness of employees’. We directly listen to factors that may undermine employees’ happiness and discuss potential solutions together. In 2022, we held 58 Happy Man Talks to establish a virtuous cycle of communication.

  • Number of Happy Man Talks in 2022


  • Participants in 2022


HR Talk Talk

HR Talk Talk is an HR briefing session for all members of SK bioscience. It is conducted once a month for both leaders and employees, addressing topics such as key HR system changes and enhancement of perks and benefits. Suggestions from employees, identified through Q&A sessions, are categorized into short and medium-to long-term improvement tasks and managed accordingly for resolution.

Creating a Happy Environment

Flexible Work System and Work Environment

SK bioscience operates a selective working hour system that aligns with the characteristics of our business sites, aiming to respect our employees’ work-life balance and enhance their work engagement. Through this system, employees can efficiently manage their work by adjusting their work start times to better suit their circumstances. Additionally, we have implemented the Smart Work Center to facilitate flexible work arrangements, enabling employees to utilize it for work and external meetings, thus helping to reduce their commuting time.

Expansion of Perks and Benefits

SK bioscience provides various benefit programs to create a happy workplace. In 2022, we increased the amount of Benefit Allowances for employees’ self-development and living support, and expanded family support such as health checkups and vaccinations to enhance employees’ satisfaction and welfare. Additionally, we offer a range of vacation programs to help employees recharge. Notably, we provide six days of summer vacation per year to encourage employees to take care of their health and spend quality time with their families. In 2023, we plan to further enhance our vacation and welfare systems by gathering feedback from our employees.

Perks and Benefits System
  • Living Support

    Benefit allowances(Benepia)/SK Family Card Annual Fee Support/Purchase of eco-friendly agricultural product /Communication expense/ Transportation expense/Housing loan/Student loan/Support for resort hotels

  • Event Support

    Congratulations and condolences allowance/Congratulatory money for child’s school enrollment/Long service awards

  • Medical/Health Support

    Medical expenditures/Health check-ups/ Vaccination/Group accident insurance

  • Self-development Support

    Language training

Supporting the Growth of Employees

In 2022, SK bioscience established the SKBS Academy system to offer diverse training programs on values, leadership, and other areas, aiming to facilitate employee growth and enhance their capabilities. Following the implementation of these training programs, we conduct employee satisfaction surveys and manage indicators that measure training achievements based on the survey results. Moving forward, we will collaborate with major associations/schools/institutions to design and implement programs that strengthen job-specific competencies and provide training for skills commonly required in the workplace, such as global language skills, leadership, and digital transformation(DX).

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Respecting Diversity for the Happiness of Employees

Enhancement of Female Leadership

SK bioscience strives to create a female-friendly organizational culture where competent female talent can fully demonstrate their abilities to grow into next-generation leaders and become role models. We ensure women’s participation in the decision-making process and fair opportunities for leadership. In addition, we foster female leaders by increasing the number of female executives and providing female leadership training and mentoring.

  • The Ratio of Female to Male Employees


  • The Ratio of Female Leaders to All Employees


  • (As of the end of 2022)
Maternity Protection System

SK bioscience has created a female-friendly workplace. We offer support such as maternity cash grants, fruit baskets, childbirth-related medical expense support, and various institutional support through a contract with childcare centers to protect maternity. In particular, we provide an environment where female employees can flexibly work by promoting work-family balance through Flextime.

Expansion of Disability Employment

SK bioscience puts forth ceaseless efforts to realize social value through active ‘job creation and employment for the disabled’. As of the end of 2022, we recorded 3.3%, surpassing the compulsory employment rate for the disabled. Furthermore, we consistently engage in job development activities in collaboration with the Employment Agency for the Disabled to provide diverse job experiences in various fields for individuals with disabilities.

  • Number of Employees with Disabilities


  • Percentage of Employees with Disabilities


  • (As of the end of 2022)

Establishment of Happy Labor-Management Culture

Shared Growth of Labor-Management

Based on the SK Management System(SKMS), SK bioscience is dedicated to fostering a culture of labormanagement shared growth cooperation and maintaining trust between labor and management. We conduct collective bargaining and wage negotiations with the Andong L HOUSE-centered labor union to enhance working conditions and employee productivity. Additionally, we strive to establish a culture of mutual respect and improve the working environment through the Andong/HQ Labor-Management Consultative Body.

The Labor-Management Consultative Body(HQ) - OHB(Our Happy Bioscience)

OHB(Our Happy Bioscience) was established in April 2022 with the aim of promoting employee happiness. It serves as a platform for employees to express their opinions and grievances when there are changes or improvements to key HR systems within the company. In April 2023, it transitioned into the Headquarters Labor-Management Consultative Body, with five employee members elected by the headquarters employees. The body is responsible for facilitating communication between labor and management, participating in management, protecting workers, and improving productivity. Moving forward, SK bioscience will engage in communication by occupation through the Headquarters Labor-Management Consultative Body.

Labor Union and the Labor-Management Consultative Body(Andong)

SK bioscience conducted wage negotiations with labor unions in 2022. After nine rounds of formal negotiations, a wage agreement was signed in October 2022, resulting in an increase in basic salary and a reorganization of the wage system. In addition, the Andong Labor-Management Consultative Body held four regular meetings to discuss various matters such as the operation of night and weekend commuter buses, expansion of rest areas, improvement of the office environment, and the operation of a daycare center through a contract. As of June 2023, we are in the process of collective bargaining to improve working conditions and the work environment.