
Employee Happiness

Talent Acquisition & Management

Talent Acquisition Framework

SK bioscience operates various talent recruitment/development programs to foster experts who will lead the Company’s future growth and bring individuals and organizations together. To expand our global business and secure future growth engines, we recruit talented individuals with exceptional capabilities and potential globally.

To ensure the timely allocation of talented employees, SK bioscience has transitioned from regular recruitment to on-demand recruitment. And we had completed Talent Database(TDB) build-up, and actively utilize the platform to target prospective job seekers with excellent skills. In addition, SK bioscience enhances communication with applicants during the hiring process to improve their experience. Additionally, the Company implements a smart onboarding program (new hire care) to support a smooth transition. This program helps new hires quickly adapt to their roles and the organization.

  • Talent Acquisition Networking

    • Promoting networking activities to recruit global talent with expertise in vaccine R&D, including global internships
  • Global Talent
    Job Fair

    • Participating in major domestic and international job fairs such as the Korea Pharmaceutical and Bio-Pharma Manufacturers Association Job Fair and the Job Fair for International Students
  • Selection of Scholarship Students

    • Selecting students from Seoul National University, Andong University etc. and awarding scholarships
  • Strengthening Targeted Recruitment

    • Defining future core talents & Building TDB(Talent Database)
    • Strengthening targeted recruitment by utilizing LinkedIn, Remember platforms
박람회 전경
Ideal Talent for SK bioscience: Warm-hearted Professionals

SK bioscience’s growth into a global vaccine and biotechnology company beyond Korea has been the result of the efforts of not only numerous R&D personnel but also behind-the-scenes talent who have been supporting the entire process. SK bioscience is committed to fostering talented individuals with warm hearts and expertise. To this end, we operate various training and reward systems based on our unique talent characteristics of “warm-hearted professionals” and strive to cultivate a healthy corporate culture. To achieve SKBS 3.0 Reboot, our future growth strategy, SK bioscience will continue to recruit and nurture outstanding talent, while also doing our best to improve the welfare and work environment for all employee.

날마다 좋아지는 우리 따뜻한 프로페셔널

SK bioscience Ideal Talent: Warm-hearted Professionals

Diversity Policy & Framework
Diversity & Inclusion

SK bioscience treats all employees equally in hiring and promotion processes, regardless of gender, disability, age, nationality, place of origin, or educational background. To support this commitment, the Company has established management indicators such as gender pay ratio, gender ratio by position, turnover rate, and employment type ratio. These indicators are monitored and disclosed, with continuous efforts to address any issues identified. Furthermore, the Company maintains a system for reporting and whistleblowing on any discrimination or unethical behavior related to these matters.

To raise awareness among employees about diversity, we conduct training on diversity policy at least once a year, including disability awareness, gender discrimination prevention, and respect for diversity. In 2023, the Company achieved 100% completion rates for both sexual harassment prevention and disability awareness training. Additionally, under the responsibility of the management, the outcomes of diversity policy and human rights education, along with survey results, are reviewed and reported to the board of directors and the HR committee.

Workforce Diversity Status and Goals

2023,2024년 근로자 다양성 현황 및 목표
Category 2023 Status 2024 Goal
Female Employee Ratio 39% 40%
Female Executive Ratio 18% 20%
Disability Employment Ratio 3.3% 3.3%
Enhancement of Female Leadership

SK bioscience strives to create a female-friendly organizational culture where competent female talent can fully demonstrate their abilities to grow into next-generation leaders and become role models. We ensure women’s participation in the decision-making process and fair opportunities for leadership. In addition, we foster female leaders by increasing the number of female executives and providing female leadership training and mentoring.

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2023년 기준, 전체 구성원 대비 여성 구성원 비율 39%, 전체 리더 대비 여성 리더 비율 18%

Maternity Protection System
모성 보호 제도

SK bioscience has created a female-friendly workplace. We offer support such as maternity cash grants, childbirth-related medical expense support, and various institutional support through a contract with childcare centers to protect maternity. In particular, we provide an environment where female employees can flexibly work by promoting work-family balance through Flextime.

Employment Expansion for People with Disabilities

SK bioscience puts forth ceaseless efforts to realize social value through active ‘job creation and employment for people with disabilities’. As of the end of 2023, we recorded 3.3%, surpassing the compulsory employment rate for people with disabilities. Furthermore, we consistently engage in job development activities in collaboration with the Employment Agency for people with disabilities to provide diverse job experiences in various fields for individuals with disabilities. We will put our continuous efforts to be a best practice through quality employment for people with disabilities.

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2023년 말 기준, 장애인 고용 비율 3.3%

Employee Capacity-building & Performance Evaluation

Professionals Development Strategy

SK bioscience has established a three-pronged professional development strategy to secure global talent, build an HR system for employee growth, and pursue a high-performing organization and employee happiness. To achieve these goals, we have identified and implemented key tasks in each area, including recruitment, compensation, development, and corporate culture.

Supporting the Growth of Employees

In 2022, SK bioscience established the SKBS Academy system to offer diverse training programs on values, leadership, and other areas, aiming to facilitate employee growth and enhance their capabilities. We provide various courses to develop specific skills unique to the given jobs, including R&D planning and management, R&D innovation, as well as up-skilling courses for the non-R&D staffs, such as those on products manufacturing, quality management, marketing, SHE, HRM expertise, etc. The Company also provides foundation skills training courses open to all employees such as Artificial Intelligence(AI), Digital Transformation(DX), and design skills. Following the implementation of these training programs, we conduct employee satisfaction surveys and manage indicators that measure training achievements based on the survey results. Moving forward, we will collaborate with major associations, colleges, and institutions to design and implement programs that strengthen job-specific competencies and provide training for skills commonly required in the workplace.

자세한 내용은 아래div를 참고해주세요 자세한 내용은 아래div를 참고해주세요
  • Value
    그룹 신입 사원(SK academy):G1
    그룹 영입 구성원:G1,G2,G3
    SKBS 신규 구성원:G1,G2,G3
  • Leadership
    SKBS Middle Power +:G1,G2,G3
    그룹 신임 팀장:G2,G3
    리더 WS:G2,G3
    SKBS 따뜻한 프로페셔널 리더십 Badge:G2,G3
    HIPO (DY 연계):G2,G3,임원
    CEO 세미나:임원
  • 직무
    my SUNI,SKBS Value Chain:G1,G2
    my SUNI,Bio Academy:G1,G2,G3,임원
    GMP 기초:G1,G2
    [P/Q], Up-skilling:G1,G2
  • 공통
    my SUNI,M365 활용교육:G1,G2,G3,임원
    English Comm.Skill Up:G1,G2,G3
    법정 필수1)/윤리경영/비서교육:G1,G2,G3
  • Seg.교육
Support for Employee Degree Acquisition

SK bioscience operates a graduate degree support program (PhD/MBA) aimed at enhancing R&D expertise and developing professionals. This selective program considers the specific roles and responsibilities of candidates within the organization, providing growth opportunities as future experts. Selected participants balance their regular duties with their studies, dedicating personal time to achieve admission, complete their coursework, and graduate. After completion, they are expected to contribute significantly to the organization's long-term success by leveraging their specialized skills and knowledge.

Support for Employee Leadership Growth

SK bioscience runs the "Leadership Development Plan" to strengthen employee leadership. New hires and appointed leaders can access various training programs necessary for their roles through group and internal education. SK bioscience leaders can enhance their leadership skills through the Leader Workshop, Coaching Program, ongoing online learning (Warm-hearted Professional Leadership Badge), Leadership Salon, and Performance Management Training.

Additionally, the "Middle Power+ Program" is designed to bolster leadership and understand the Value Chain for middle managers. SK bioscience also conducts internal onboarding for employees, fostering SK Values and supporting the development of self-leadership and followership.

2023년 하반기 리더 워크샵

2023 Second Half Leader Workshop

2024년 Middle Power+

2024 Middle Power+ Program

Support for Employee Job Competency Enhancement

SK bioscience is developing a variety of training content for job competencies based on a job competency assessment conducted for R&D employees and the Company’s competency framework. Additionally, the Company supports the cost for all employees to take courses from external professional institutions and manages employee education data. In 2023, approximately 350 employees applied for 732 external training sessions to improve their job competencies (an average of 2.1 sessions per applicant), with an average cost support of KRW 560,000 per person.

Measuring Training Effectiveness

SK bioscience measures the effectiveness of its training programs, including satisfaction and goal achievement. The overall satisfaction score for the Leader Workshop is above 4.8 out of 5.0. Furthermore, pre- and post-survey results from the Middle Power+ Program for middle managers show an increase in the understanding of the middle manager role (from 3.1 to 4.1) and in understanding strategic direction and the Value Chain (from 2.9 to 4.4).

In addition to the above initiatives, SK bioscience supports the enhancement of employee language skills by covering the cost of one language proficiency test per year, running continuous internal language courses, and funding external language courses. the Company currently manages employees' language proficiency by categorizing them into high, medium, and low levels based on their official language test scores. After collecting all employees' scores, SK bioscience plans to design customized language courses tailored to each proficiency level.

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리더 Workshop 만족도
4.8점 (5.0점 만점)
2023년 기준
Middle Power+ program 효과성
중간관리자 역할 이해도 3.1점→4.1점
전략방향 및 Value Chain 이해도 2.9점→4.4점
프로그램 전/후 기준 (2023년)
HR System for Employee Growth

To facilitate continuous improvement in employees’ actual performance and capabilities, SK bioscience have established an evaluation system fostering employees’ talents and a compensation policy.

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  1. 목표설정
  2. 1 on 1
  3. 10월 다면진단
  4. 11월 자기평가
  5. 팀장평가
  6. 평가Session
  7. 보상

목표설정~자기평가 : 상시 성과관리

SKBS Academy 운영

Evaluation system fostering Employees’ talents
  • Regular Performance Management

    • Providing feedback on work
    • Establishing a permanent performance management system that enhances evaluation
  • Competency Evaluation/Assessment

    • Overall assessment of competencies by separating value, common competencies, and job-specific competencies
    • Conducting annual job competency and multi-faceted evaluations to identify individual strengths and areas for improvement
Compensation Policy
  • Market based

    • Evaluating performance contributions and competencies based on Marketability
    • Compensating based on external market value
  • Customized

    • Customized evaluation considering the individual’s role and job characteristics
    • Differential compensation based on job value in the market and individual competencies, and performance
      (Implementing performance-based incentive system across all occupations)

Supporting Employee Happiness

Pursing Employee Happiness & High-performing Organization

SK bioscience strives to create a happy and engaging environment for its employees, based on the virtuous cycle of happiness management. In this cycle, happy and engaged employees lead to good performance, resulting in a continuous loop of employee happiness.

SK bioscience diagnoses the current level of happiness among our employees by conducting SK Culture Survey and Good Life Lab Happiness Diagnosis. Also we strengthens internal communication through various organization’s culture programs, and makes continuous efforts to improve policies for employees’ happiness.

Happiness-based Management
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  • 구성원 행복

    행복 수준 진단
    SK Culture Survey, 굿라이프랩 행복진단
  • 구성원 몰입

    행복 소통
    SKBS+, 타운홀미팅, 따프톡톡 등
    행복 Program
    구성원 Healing Program(마음 백신 등), 사무공간 및 복리후생, 근무제도 개선 고충처리 Process 신설 등
  • 고성과 조직 : 구성원의 성장, 회사의 성과 창출

SK Culture Survey

SK bioscience conducts the SK Culture Survey every year to diagnose its level of organizational culture. This survey helps identify issues and trends within the Company, identify tasks to resolve problems, and cultivate a happy organizational culture.

Good Life Lab Happiness Diagnosis
행복 배터리 검사

SKBS Happiness Diagnosis: “Happiness Battery Survey"

In April 2023, SK bioscience conducted a Good Life Happiness Diagnosis for all employees to assess their personal happiness levels to identify factors that contribute to their personal/workplace happiness. Based on the diagnosis result, we provided organizational-level solutions and conducted pin-point improvements in the second half of 2023.

Activation of Employee Communication

SK bioscience operates SKBS+, a program that shares the Company’s business performance and the implementation process of strategic tasks with all employees on a half yearly basis. The CEO conducts Q&A sessions with employees to have open communication regarding overall management, and employees can develop a deeper understanding of the Company’s mission, vision, and overall management. Additionally, SK bioscience produces and shares corporate culture videos featuring employees. This initiative helps disseminate the Company's values and desired qualities in its workforce.

Warm-hearted Professionals Talk Talk

SK bioscience conducts Warm-hearted Professionals Talk Talk for all members. It is conducted on a quarterly basis for both leaders and employees, addressing topics such as key HR system changes and enhancement of perks and benefits. Suggestions from employees, identified through Q&A sessions, are categorized into short and medium-to long-term improvement tasks and managed accordingly for resolution.

Employee Clubs

SK bioscience operates an employee club system open to all members, providing a platform for communication and engagement. Currently, approximately 300 employees are actively participating in 19 different clubs, fostering a collaborative and enjoyable work environment.




Warm-hearted Professionals Talk Talk


Employee Clubs

Better Work-life Balance
Flexible Work System & Smart Work Center Operation

SK bioscience operates a selective working hour system that aligns with the characteristics of our business sites, aiming to respect our employees’ work-life balance and enhance their work engagement. Employees at SK bioscience have the freedom to adjust their commute times and daily working hours, allowing them to work more efficiently. the Company also promotes the use of the Smart Work Center, enabling employees to utilize it for work and external meetings, thereby supporting flexible working arrangements.

스마트워크센터(서울 관훈동)

Smart Work Center(Gwanhun-dong, Seoul)

Improvement of Perks & Benefits

SK bioscience creates a happy workplace by exceeding legal requirements, offering and continually improving a variety of welfare programs. In 2023, the Company expanded the range of congratulatory and condolence support, established living stabilization funds, introduced new employee clubs, improved travel expense regulations, and provided driver insurance for marketing personnel. Additionally, SK bioscience operates various leave programs to support employee refreshment and well-being. Especially, we provide six days of summer vacation per year to encourage employees to take care of their health and spend quality time with their families.

Perks & Benefits System

  • Living Support

    • Benefit allowances(Benepia)
    • SK Family Card Annual Fee Support
    • Purchase of eco-friendly agricultural product
    • Communication expense
    • Transportation expense
    • Housing loan
    • Student loan
    • Support for resort hotels
  • Event Support

    • Congratulations and condolences allowance
    • Congratulatory money for child’s school enrollment
    • Long service awards
  • Medical/Health Support

    • Medical expenditures
    • Health check-ups
    • Vaccination
    • Group accident insurance
  • Self-development Support

    • Language training
  • Infant Care Support

    • Nursery Facility (TBD)
Mind Vaccine Program
마음백신 프로그램

Mind Vaccine Program

In July 2023, SK bioscience launched the "Mind Vaccine" program, an integrated psychological counseling service designed to help employees manage various sources of stress and enhance their focus on work. We will put our arduous commitment to create a happy organization by continuously improving individual well-being.

Win-win Labor-Management Culture

Based on the SK Management System(SKMS), SK bioscience is dedicated to fostering a culture of labor-management shared growth cooperation and maintaining trust between labor and management. To enhance working conditions and productivity for union members, SK bioscience conducts collective and wage negotiations centered by L House labor union. Through the headquarters/Andong labor-management council, the Company actively shares and discusses management status, employee well-being, and work environment improvements.

Labor Union
임금협약 조인식

A Signing Ceremony for the Wage Agreement

In 2023, SK bioscience conducted seven rounds of official negotiations with the labor union, culminating in the signing of wage and collective agreements. These agreements resulted in increases in base salary and allowances, as well as enhancements to congratulatory and condolence payments and leave. This demonstrates the Company's continuous efforts to improve working conditions for employees.

Our Happy Bioscience(OHB) – Labor & Management Consultative Body(HQ)

OHB(Our Happy Bioscience) in Pangyo head office was established in April 2022 with the aim of promoting employee happiness. It serves as a platform for employees to express their opinions and grievances when there are changes or improvements to key HR systems within the Company. In April 2023, it transitioned into the Headquarters Labor-Management Consultative Body, and is responsible for facilitating communication between labor and management, participating in management, protecting workers, and improving productivity. Five worker representatives were elected through a vote by headquarters employees, and the council convened three times in 2023. Additionally, the Andong plant's labor-management council regularly discusses improvements to the working environment and facilities.