Materiality Assessment Process
SK bioscience conducted a Double Materiality Assessment to evaluate the impact of corporate sustainability issues on society and the environment. Additionally, the assessment aimed to evaluate the impact of external risks on the business and financial environments in which the Company operates. The assessment involved a comprehensive analysis of international standards and ESG ratings indicators specific to the bio industry. It also included benchmarking of companies in the same line of business, media research, and stakeholder surveys, deriving a pool of 26 topics. By analyzing the materiality and impact of these topics from both financial and social/environmental perspectives, 11 material topics were selected as priorities.

Step 1 ESG 토픽풀 구성 : GRI 2021, 글로벌 이니셔티브, 평가 지표/동종업계 및 글로벌 선진기업 분석을 바탕으로 SK바이오사이언스에 특화된 26개의 Topic Pool 구성
Step 2 평가 및 우선순위화
- 사회∙환경적 영향도
- 동종업계 및 글로벌 선진기업 벤치마킹
- 경제, 환경, 사회 성과 및 ESG 토픽 관련 미디어 분석
- 임직원, 외부 전문가 등 내·외부 이해관계자 대상 설문조사 및 분석
- 재무적 영향도
- MSCI, SASB 등 국제 표준 지표 분석 및 반영
- 기업 ESG 전략 분석
- 재무 분야 임직원 대상 설문조사 및 결과 분석
Step 3 중요 토픽 선정
- 토픽별 사회∙환경적 영향도와 재무적 영향도를 계량화하여 종합 평가 실시 후 11개 토픽 도출
- 도출된 11개 토픽에 대한 내부 검토 후 최종 중요 토픽 확정
Material Topics Analysis
SK bioscience annually selects and manages material topics. Each year, the Company publishes the management systems and activities for 11 key material topics on the ESG website. Analyzing the material topics over the past three years shows an upward trend in the ranking of “Embedding ESG into the Organization" aimed at enhancing ESG management. "Securing Mid- to Long-term Growth Engines" has consistently ranked among the top priorities for three consecutive years. Additionally, "Talent Acquisition and Professionals Development" has changed its ranking due to the establishment and operation of the industry-leading systems, earning external recognition.
2022 Material Topics
Rank | Area | Topics |
1 | B | Securing Mid- to Long-term Growth Engines |
2 | S | Enhancing Product Safety & Quality |
3 | S | Talent Acquisition & Professionals Development |
4 | G | Implementing Ethical & Compliance Management |
5 | E | Expanding Business-related Social Value(SV) Creation |
6 | E | Hazardous Chemical Waste Management |
7 | S | Practicing Human Rights Management |
8 | S | Transparent/Responsible Management centeredon the Board |
9 | G | Responding to Climate Change |
10 | S | Expanding Corporate Philanthropic Activities & Community Participation |
11 | E | Embedding ESG into the Organization |
12 | S | Promoting Workplace Safety and Health & Employee Health |
13 | E | Establishing/Advancing Environmental Management System |
14 | S | Promoting Employee Happiness |
15 | B | Securing/Promoting New Growth Engines |
16 | S | Building a Sustainable SupplyChain |
17 | G | Strengthening Stakeholders Communication & Disclosure |
18 | S | Information Security Management |
19 | S | Implementing Customer-centered Management |
20 | B | Transparent Tax Management & Payment |
21 | S | Voluntary Compliance with FairTrade Laws & Regulations |
22 | G | Protecting Shareholders Rights |
2023 Material Topics
Rank | Area | Topics |
1 | S | Talent Acquisition & Professionals Development |
2 | B | Securing Mid-to Long-term Growth Engines |
3 | S | Enhancing Product Safety & Quality |
4 | G | Implementing Ethical & Compliance Management |
5 | S | Enhancing Affordability & Accessto Vaccines |
6 | E | Responding to Climate Change |
7 | S | Practicing Human Rights Management |
8 | S | Embedding ESG into the Organization |
9 | E | Hazardous Chemical Waste Management |
10 | S | Building a Sustainable Supply Chain |
11 | G | Transparent/Responsible Management centeredon the Board |
12 | E | Minimizing Environmental Impact through SHE Management |
13 | G | Voluntary Compliance with FairTrade Laws & Regulations |
14 | S | Promoting Workplace Safety and Health & Employee Health |
15 | S | Information Security Management |
16 | S | Expanding Community Participation |
17 | E | Establishing a Circular EconomySystem |
18 | G | Company-wide Integrated Risk Management |
19 | G | Strengthening Stakeholders Communication & Disclosure |
20 | G | Expanding ESG Management Activities |
21 | B | Expanding Business-related Social Value(SV) Creation |
22 | B | Transparent Tax Management &Payment |
23 | G | Protecting Shareholders Rights |
24 | S | Implementing Customer-centered Management |
2024 Material Topics
Rank | Area | Topics |
1 | B | Securing Mid- to Long-term Growth Engines |
2 | S | Embedding ESG into the Organization |
3 | S | Enhancing Product Safety & Quality |
4 | G | Implementing Ethical & Compliance Management |
5 | E | Responding to Climate Change |
6 | E | Hazardous Chemical Waste Management |
7 | S | Practicing Human Rights Management |
8 | S | Building a Sustainable Supply Chain |
9 | G | Transparent/Responsible Management centered on the Board |
10 | S | Talent Acquisition & Professionals Development |
11 | E | Minimizing Environmental Impact through SHE Management |
12 | S | Promoting Employee Happiness |
13 | S | Enhancing Affordability & Access to Vaccines |
14 | G | Transparent Tax Management & Payment |
15 | G | Protecting Shareholders Rights |
16 | G | Integrated Management of Financial & Non-financial risks |
17 | E | Establishing a Circular Economy System |
18 | B | Managing Brand & Leading the Market |
19 | E | Products Management based on Life Cycle Assessment(LCA) |
20 | S | Promoting Workplace Safety and Health & Employee Health |
21 | G | Voluntary Compliance with Fair Trade Laws & Regulations |
22 | G | Strengthening Stakeholders Communication & Disclosure |
23 | E | Analyzing Biodiversity & Conducting Conservation Activities |
24 | S | Implementing Customer-centered Management |
25 | S | Expanding Business-related Social Value(SV) Creation |
26 | S | Information Security Management |
Key Material Topics Analysis
Material Topic | Governance (Management System) | Strategy & Risk Management | Activity & Performance |
Securing Mid- to Long-term Growth Engines |
Embedding ESG into the Organization |
Enhancing Product Safety & Quality |
Implementing Ethical & Compliance Management |
Responding to Climate Change |
Hazardous Chemical Waste Management |
Practicing Human Rights Management |
Building a Sustainable Supply Chain |
Transparent/Responsible Management Centered on the Board |
Talent Acquisition & Professionals Development |
Minimizing Environmental Impact through SHE Management |