
Safety · Health

SHE Management System

SHE Management Goals

SK bioscience endeavors to minimize the impact of its business activities on employees, stakeholders, local communities, and the environment by establishing SHE management goals. Accordingly, we strive to prevent SHE accidents at our business sites, comply with relevant laws and regulations, and comprehensively manage our safety, health, and environmental impacts. Moreover, in accordance with the operating regulations of the Board, we review the annual Safety and Health plan and report to the Board of Directors on a regular basis at the beginning of each year.

SHE Goals

  1. 1Establishing a safe and healthy workplace for employees and external stakeholders
  2. 2Reducing environmental impact across all stages of business operations and product life cycles
  3. 3Promoting a culture of Safety, Health, and Environment (SHE) that involves all employees
SHE(Safety·Health·Environment) Management System

SK bioscience has established the SHE(Safety·Health·Environment) Management System, recognizing that safety, health, and environment are integral components of our management principles of promoting human health. The SHE management system is applied to workers’ duties, scope of activities, and all types of resources, products, and service activities handled by workers. We consider it the cornerstone of our management activities and strive to pursue the happiness of all our stakeholders.


Elevating SHE infrastructure to drive BS 3.0 success & Establishing a sustainable SHE management system


SHE Leading Company in Pharmaceutical/Bio industry

SK bioscience
SHE Management System

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ISO 45001 인증서

ISO 45001 Certification

SK bioscience operates a safety and health management system based on ISO 45001, the international standard for safety and health management systems. Andong L HOUSE acquired the OHSAS 18001 and KOSHA 18001 safety and health management certifications in 2016 and has maintained certification after transitioning to ISO 45001 in 2018. Meanwhile, the headquarters and research center in Pangyo are systematically managed in accordance with our SHE operation policy to prevent industrial accidents.

SHE Management Policy

SK bioscience has established the SHE Management Policy, which states that human life must be protected first, the environment must be preserved, and the Company’s assets and services must be protected. This policy applies equally not only to our employees but also to all members of our suppliers, outsourcing partners, domestic and overseas entities for production and sales, subsidiaries, sub-subsidiaries and joint ventures. Additionally, all stakeholders of SK bioscience are encompassed in our SHE implementation activities, including the local community and the business ecosystem. Based on this SHE Management Policy, we strive to realize an accident-free workplace by complying with relevant laws and standards, improving risk factors, and creating a voluntary safety culture, and to become a company trusted and supported by society.

SHE Management Governance
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  1. CEO
  2. SHE담당
  3. 본사 SHE기획팀 , L-HOUSE SHE PL
  1. 전사 SHE 전담조직 : SHE 전담조직은 SHE 경영전략과 관리체계를 구축하고 개선하는 역할을 수행합니다. 또한, SHE 모니터링 체계를 운영하여 감사(Audit), 진단, 점검을 통한 사업장 이슈 개선 및 SHE 리스크 관리를 실시하고 있습니다.
  2. 사업장 SHE 전담조직:사업장 SHE 전담조직은 사업장 내 SHE 관리체계 운영에 따른 사업장 단위 목표와 성과를 관리하며 운영계획의 수립 및 보고를 수행하고 있습니다.
  3. 전 구성원:SK바이오사이언스의 모든 구성원은 전 사업장 SHE 경영시스템 실천에 대한 책임의식을 가지고 업무를 수행하고 있습니다.
SHE Management Mid- to Long-Term Goals

SK bioscience aims to achieve the "Zero Fatal Accidents" goal by adhering to safety and health guidelines and preventing accidents at all workplaces. To this end, quantitative targets have been set for the number of major accidents, fatalities, and the Lost Time Injury Rate (LTIR). The goal is to reduce the LTIR by 10% annually, reaching 0.05 by 2028.

SHE 경영 근로손실재해율, 중대재해 건수, 사망 건수중장기 목표
Category Unit 2023 Goal
2024 2025 2026 2027 2028
Lost Time Injury Rate LTIR 0.00 0.090 0.081 0.073 0.066 0.059
Number of Major Accidents Case 0 0 0 0 0 0
Number of Fatalities Case 0 0 0 0 0 0

Workplace Safety & Health Management

Occupational Safety and Health Committee

SK bioscience has established a joint Occupational Safety and Health Committee between labor and management at the head office and Andong L HOUSE, respectively, for the health of workers and accident prevention in the workplace. The Occupational Safety and Health Committee is held on a quarterly basis. It listens to the opinions of workers on changes to major safety and health regulations, including the basic safety and health management system, and strives to reflect them in practice. In addition, we are seeking improvements and follow-up measures that can effectively protect the safety of workers by ensuring an equal number of representatives from both the employer and employee sides in the committee. The results proposed and progressed in the committee are being shared at the next meeting for further review.

Operational Status of Occupational Safety and Health Committee by business site
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사용자 측 7명:CEO, 유관 부서 임원, 전사 SHE 전담조직
근로자 측 7명:근로자 대표, 본사 및 R&D 센터(연구직, 사무직, 마케팅/영업직 포함)
L House
사용자 측 6명:공장장, 유관 부서, 사업장 SHE 전담조직
근로자 측 6명:부서별 근로자 대표

Main Agenda of Occupational Safety and Health Committee

  1. 1Setting SHE priority projects and goals
  2. 2Safety and health issues raised by SHE officials and workers
  3. 3Developing and revising safety and health management regulations
  4. 4Safety and health issues related to the introduction of hazardous machinery and other facilities
  5. 5Safety and health training for workers
  6. 6Conducting inspections and improving the working environment, including measuring the working conditions
  7. 7Health management of workers, including health check-ups
  8. 8Investigating the causes of serious accidents and establishing measures to prevent recurrence
  9. 9Recording and maintaining statistics on industrial accidents
  10. 10Implementing and promoting the safety and health management system
  11. 11Other important matters related to SHE
Safety & Health Risk Assessment Process

SK bioscience specifies the removal of SHE risk factors in a significant process of implementing the management system and conducts risk assessments for all operations to prevent accidents and improve workers’ health. We hereby discover all potential risks that can arise from operations, and secure safety and health measures, so that workers can work in a safe environment.

SK bioscience specifies the removal of SHE risk factors in a significant process of implementing the management system and conducts risk assessments for all operations to prevent accidents and improve workers’ health. We hereby discover all potential risks that can arise from operations, and secure safety and health measures, so that workers can work in a safe environment.

In the risk estimation and determination stage, the probability and severity of injury or disease are estimated for each hazard and risk factor. The significance of the risk is then calculated to determine whether it falls within the acceptable range. When establishing and implementing risk reduction plans, by devising and implementing measures to mitigate unacceptable risks as much as possible, consistent improvement and monitoring are ensured.

In the risk assessment conducted in 2023, we actively reviewed improving work methods and applying additional protective equipment to minimize risks between tasks. Specifically, for processes involving the use of chemicals, we installed additional mobile fume hoods to reduce employee exposure to hazardous substances.

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  1. 사전 준비
  2. 유해 위험 요인 파악
  3. 위험성 추정
  4. 위험성 결정
  5. 허용 가능 위험성
  6. 종료
  7. 기록

위험성 감소 대책 수립 및 시행

On-site Work Hazard Management

SK bioscience takes proactive measures to identify and manage health hazards for workers. We conduct on-site industrial hygiene management and work risk assessments in the workplace to enhance employee health management. By constantly monitoring health risk factors and conducting risk assessments for hazardous chemicals, we prevent occupational diseases that may arise from handling hazardous substances in the workplace. Additionally, in 2023, to minimize health hazards for members of L House, we reduced the use of high-risk chemicals (hydrochloric acid) used for pH control in processes and replaced them with low-risk chemicals. This led to a 59% reduction in high-concentration hydrochloric acid usage compared to the previous year, contributing to decreased safety incidents and reduced risk of disease exposure for members.

We also conduct preventive management for musculoskeletal disorders through risk assessment. Regular medical examinations are conducted to monitor workers for any health abnormalities. Additionally, for employees who handle or are exposed to specific hazardous factors, we conduct specialized medical examinations targeting those specific hazards. Thanks to our meticulous management of on-site work risks, there were no reported cases of serious injuries or diseases in 2023.

On-site Hazardous Chemical Risk Assessment
현장 유해 요인 분류, 위험성 평가 실시내용, 주요 개선 조치 활동
Categorization of On-site Hazardous Factors Implementation of Risk Assessment Major Improvement Activities
Hazardous risk factors causing serious injuries1)
  • Conducting risk assessments using the Job Safety Analysis(JSA) technique at least once a year to identify risk factors and develop improvement measures
  • Conducting routine tour inspections to identify workplace risk factors and making efforts to improve unsafe conditions and behavioral factors
  • Conducted a Chemical Hazard Risk Assessment(CHARM) in whole process
  • Introduced remote monitoring gas detectors
  • Introduced Container & Spill Kit for chemical bottles
  • Established a checklist for essential protective equipment for each process
Hazardous risk factors causing serious diseases2)
  • Conducting work environment assessment at least semi-annually to evaluate the level of exposure to hazardous factors present in the work environment & Developing improvement plans in case hazardous factors exceed 50% of legal limits
  • Analyzing hazardous factors for tasks that require musculoskeletal strength at least once every three years and establishing improvement plans for tasks that put a strain on muscles and bones
  • Conducting regular medical examinations at least once a year, as well as special medical examinations for employees who handle and are exposed to specific hazardous factors
  • Added arm hoods to labs
  • Improved office lighting
  • Introduced a pre-work stretching program
  • Established Cerebrovascular Disease Prevention & Management Guidelines
  • Implemented an employee health promotion program
  • Introduced of indoor air quality monitoring devices
  • Installed additional automated external defibrillators(AEDs)
  • Fostered in-house first responders
  • 1)Injuries resulting from contact with chemicals between tasks, fires caused by the use of hazardous materials, etc.
  • 2)Diseases resulting from exposure to hazardous chemicals between tasks, musculoskeletal strains caused by handling heavy materials, etc.
Establishment of Safety Culture
Establishment of a Safe Work Environment

SK bioscience conducts monthly joint SHE inspections with the participation of each team leader to enhance management’s involvement in SHE activities. Additionally, we closely monitor direct and visible accidents, as well as risk factors including near misses, in the workplace to ensure that no small risk factors go unnoticed. In the event of accidents, we have an accident investigation process in place to ensure immediate reporting of all workplace incidents. Moreover, we actively work towards establishing a safe working environment by forming accident investigation committees that vary in accordance with the severity of the accidents. These committees identify the root causes of the accidents and establish measures to prevent their recurrence.

Safety Culture Training

SK bioscience conducts regular SHE training for all employees. In 2023, the focus was on participatory and experiential training, including fire school experience, fall prevention training, and fire extinguisher use. Additionally, training was provided on risk assessment based on hazard characteristics, advanced safety case studies, and Lock Out Tag Out (LOTO) procedures. Furthermore, various other training sessions, including those for partner companies, were conducted to enhance safety awareness. We are committed to promoting a safety culture by offering various training programs to all employees and suppliers, raising awareness about the significance of occupational safety and health management.

SHE, 기타, 방문자/협력사 교육 내용
Category Training Content
Regular SHE Training
  • Conducting regular training for all employees
    (initial training once for new employees, quarterly for all employees)
Additional Training
  • Conducting emergency first aid (CPR) training for emergency response
  • Providing special safety and health training for researchers handling chemicals in the laboratory
  • Conducting regular safety training, risk assessment, and external SHE training for supervisors
Visitor/Partner Training
  • Creating and providing SHE training videos for visitors to ensure all visitors are aware of the regulations in advance
  • Conducting pre-safety training and distributing completion certificates to all partner employees to enhance the safety management awareness of partner companies
Safety Culture Assessment

SK bioscience improves the SHE system at business sites through objective evaluations by inspecting SHE activities with subsidiaries. Starting from 2022, we have implemented SHE activity evaluation using a checklist. Also, we evaluate the level of our safety culture and address any shortcomings by actively engaging with other business sites of affiliated companies and benchmarking them. We also measure and verify the effectiveness of our business site’s safety and health management system through annual assessments of the system and semi-quarterly assessments of legal compliance. In addition, once a year, we verify the effectiveness of the system through ISO 45001 post/renewal audits, an international standard certification.

Employee Health Management

On-site Work Hazard Management
Employee’s Right to Suspend Work

SK bioscience protects the right of workers to suspend work in accordance with the Safety and Health Management Regulation. The regulations state that workers can stop work and evacuate if they identify a potential risk of industrial accidents, and will not face any penalties for doing so.

The Safety and Health Management Regulation

  1. 1Where imminent danger of an industrial accident exists, or a serious accident has occurred, a company shall take necessary measures for health and safety, such as the immediate suspension of operations and evacuation of employees from the place of business, after which work may resume.
  2. 2Where any employee suspends work and evacuates due to any urgent risk of an industrial accident, he/she shall promptly report it immediately to the superior officer, who shall take appropriate measures to address the situation.
  3. 3Where reasonable grounds exist to believe that any imminent danger of an industrial accident exists, a business owner shall not dismiss or give other disadvantages to employees by reason of their suspending work and evacuating pursuant to paragraph (2).
Communication Channels for Safety

SK bioscience is creating a culture of communication for safety by opening channels for employees to freely express their opinions on hazardous factors and environmental risks that may arise in the workplace. In May 2023, SK bioscience launched the "SHE! Say!" program, empowering employees to proactively identify and mitigate SHE-related risks. Additionally, we executed Set-play activities to minimize risks by detecting blind spot hazards and training employees on their specific roles in emergency situations.

'SHE Say' Reports and Improvements
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Employee Health Management Programs

SK bioscience supports various programs aimed at improving the health of its employees. Its ‘Mind-Body Control Training’ is a corporate culture program that promotes healthy bodies and ambition, which is one of the core values of the SK Group. It offers employees various health management methods such as Miracle Morning, yoga and meditation. We also provide regular health check-ups for employees. Our health administration office is staffed by in-house nurses who conduct health assessments to identify any abnormalities. We provide separate management for employees with medical conditions. The in-house health management office includes a health consultation room, a pharmacy that provides over-the-counter medications, a treatment room for minor injuries, and a recovery room, offering both health consultations and treatment convenience for employees.

We maintain a list of nearby emergency hospitals for immediate medical treatment in the event of work-related accidents. Additionally, we collaborate with specialized examination center hospitals to conduct general and specialized medical examinations at least once a year. Furthermore, we offer comprehensive health check-up services for employees and their family members(spouses). In addition, programs to support smoking cessation and weight control, aiming to help our employees protect themselves from health hazards are provided. Additionally, to address psychological issues related to stress and enhance work efficiency, we offer psychological support programs for employees and their families through external professional counselors. We also provide annual flu and shingles vaccination services to prevent infectious diseases among employees and their families.

심기신수련원 프로그램 포스터 및 타임테이블 이미지 심기신수련원 프로그램 포스터 및 타임테이블 이미지

Mind-Body Control Training Program Poster and Timetable

Supplier Safety & Health Management

Safety & Health Cooperation Programs

SK bioscience expands its safety and health management activities to support the safety and health management of our suppliers. Safety and health training is provided to all workers in the workplace, including employees of resident business suppliers to ensure SHE compliance at work.

Examination of SHE Qualification

When selecting suppliers within our workplace, we examine their SHE qualifications and restrict the involvement of unqualified suppliers, encouraging them to invest in improving their safety and health practices. Starting from 2022, we have emphasized the importance of safety and health even more by implementing mandatory supplier qualification examinations. Additionally, we now consider the quarterly evaluation results of suppliers’ safety and health levels when contemplating additional contracts. We conduct a quantitative assessment based on the possession of systems for each of the seven items required by the assessment. In addition, we are establishing a plan to identify and manage risks that may occur during work by requiring suppliers to submit safety management plans in advance, including pre-work risk assessments and safety management plans.

Evaluation Criteria for Supplier SHE Qualification
  • Safety & Health Management Policy
  • Safety & Health Regulation and Procedure
  • Presence of Safety & Health Management team/Personnel
  • Establishment & Implementation of Safety & Health Training Plans
  • Development of Detailed Plans for On-site Safety & Health Management
  • Hazardous and Risky Machines/Equipment Usage & Inspection Plan
  • Occurrences of Accidents in the Past 3 Years
Communication with Suppliers regarding Safety & Health

SK bioscience maintains ongoing communication with stakeholders, including suppliers, regarding all safety and health-related matters that arise in the workplace. The Resident Business Partner Committee listens to the grievances of workers from business suppliers regarding safety and health, and takes measures to resolve them through discussions on emergency response procedures, accident reporting systems, and safety and health practices during work.