
ESG Strategy

ESG Implementation Framework

ESG Management Vision & Strategies

Under SK bioscience’s mission of ‘Promoting human health, from prevention to cure’, we established an ESG implementation framework and specific tasks for each area centered around our ESG vision of ‘Healthier Life, Sustainable Future’. We will secure the momentum for sustainable growth by managing environmental and social risks and realizing transparency in governance.

SKBS ESG Management Process
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ESG 경영
ESG 전략
ESG 활동

ESG Vision

Healthier Life, Sustainable Future

ESG 전략방향, 목표, 주요성과, 단기목표, 중장기 목표
Category ESG Strategic Direction ESG Strategic Goals Key Achievements (2021~2023) Short-term Goals (2024) Mid- to Long-term Goals (~ 2035*)



Strengthening Eco-friendly Management Systems

  • Addressing climate change and achieving net zero
  • Developing a greenhouse gas reduction roadmap
  • Publishing TCFD report
  • Signing PPA contracts to implement RE100
  • Redefining/publicizing net zero roadmap
  • Achieving RE100 and net zero goals
  • Advancing Environmental Management System(EMS)
  • Establishing company-wide environmental management policies
  • Obtaining ISO 14001 certification
  • Conducting company-wide environmental training
  • Developing company- wide environmental management strategies and monitoring the performance
  • Submitting CDP(Carbon Disclosure Project) questionnaires
  • Responding to TNFD
  • Optimizing reduction of waste & hazardous chemical emissions


pursuing stakeholder happiness


Creating SV Linked to Business Activities

  • Enhancing employee competencies & happiness
  • Developing/implementing strategies for talent acquisition & professionals development
  • Announcing human rights management policies
  • Establishing a human rights impact assessment and due diligence system
  • Developing policies & frameworks for employee diversity
  • Operating programs to improve employee happiness
  • Expanding the scope of human rights impact assessments & implementing follow-up measures
  • Enhancing Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion (DE&I) among employees
  • Generating Social Value(SV) in local communities
  • Formulating/implementing strategies and mid- to long-term plans for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
  • Expanding CSR activities & managing outcomes
  • Increasing employee engagement in CSR activities
  • Strengthening community engagement channels
  • Building a global bio ecosystem
  • Supporting the development of domestic bio talent
  • Establishing/awarding the Park MahnHoon Prize
  • Fostering global vaccine experts
  • Supporting Research & Development projects
  • Operating Open Lab in Global R&D Center
  • Investing in vaccine funds
  • Generating Social Value (SV) through business
  • Unveiling plans to expand into emerging & developing markets
  • Supporting healthcare worker training
  • Enhancing public health capabilities in developing countries
  • Increasing affordability & access to medicines
  • Managing sustainable supply chain
  • Establishing/enforcing a code of conduct for business partners
  • Managing ESG risks for key business partners
  • Expanding/supporting ESG risk management in supply chain
  • Strengthening support for the shared growth of business partners



Implementing Sustainable & Transparent Governance

  • Strengthening the Board-level governance
  • Establishing ESG Committee and holding meetings
  • Enacting the Corporate Governance Charter
  • Implementing the Board performance evaluation process
  • Enhancing Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) and board oversight of the process
  • Increasing board independence & diversity
  • Embedding ESG management
  • Formulating/disclosing ESG management strategies
  • Supporting/joining ESG initiatives
  • Extending ESG into executive KPIs
  • Planning/implementing ESG activities for employees
  • Extending ESG into related department KPIs
  • Strengthening ESG activities for employees
  • * The goals are based on the Company's mid- to long-term business plan
ESG Implementation Structure

SK bioscience established an ESG Management Implementation Structure to elevate its ESG management to the level of a global leading company. This structure is designed to manage non-financial risks and create new business opportunities effectively. For systematic ESG management, it comprises the ESG Committee, ESG Working-level Council, and ESG Team. The ESG Committee under the Board serves as the highest deliberation and decision-making body for ESG management. On the other hand, the ESG Working-level Council is responsible for implementing ESG improvement tasks and creating tangible outcomes. Based on short and mid- to long-term improvement tasks aligned with ESG, ESG Team is in charge of company-wide projects, including reporting management-level meetings, decision-making support. It also handles information disclosure and responds to external rating agencies.

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  • 이사회 보고:2가지 기능
    • Board of Directors
    • ESG위원회
  • 경영층 회의체 : 비재무적 리스크 관리
    • ESG위원회 사무국(ES팀)
  • 실무 회의체 : 사업 연계 신규기회 창출 등
    • ESG 협의체
    • ESG 실무협의체
  • ESG 전략 방향에 따른 실무조직
    • 친환경 경영체계 구축:SHE/CS/운영지원
    • 이해관계자 행복추구:HR/TM/ESG
    • 업(業) 연계 사회적 가치 창출:전략기획/BD/마케팅/구매
    • 지속가능하고 투명한 거버넌스 운영:대외협력/IR/법무/윤리경영
ESG Committee

In 2021, SK bioscience established the ESG Committee, which comprises one executive director and two Outside directors, under the Board. To ensure effective committee operation, the Company revised the ESG Committee Regulations. The primary role of the ESG Committee is to review and advise on management strategies and directions for the Company’s sustainable growth. Additionally, ESG Committee is responsible for setting ESG activity goals and developing detailed action plans. It also conducts reviews of activities and information disclosures, which allow the Committee to make well-informed decisions regarding ESG risks and opportunities.

Major Roles of ESG Committee
  • Establishment of Mid- and Long-term Directions and Goals for ESG Management & Monitoring of the Improvement Tasks Implementation
  • Review and Advise on Business Strategies and Non-financial Risks
  • Review of Various other ESG-related Decisions
Attendance Status of ESG Committee

(as of end-December 2023)

ESG위원회 참석 현황
Name Category Attendance Rate
Chang-Jin Moon Outside directors 100%
Jeong-Wook Choi Outside directors 100%
Jaeyong Ahn Executive Director 100%
ESG Committee Meetings, Attendance and Key Agenda
2023년 ESG위원회 참석 현황
Session Date Attendance Rate Key Agenda
1 2023.01.19 100%
  • Report on 2023 ESG Ratings Preparation Plan
2 2023.02.06 100%
  • Establishment of Songdo Global R&PD Center
3 2023.03.27 100%
  • Selection of ESG Committee Chairperson
4 2023.04.17 100%
  • Implementation of RE100
  • Publication of ESG Report
5 2023.07.17 100%
  • Report on the 2nd ESG Report Publication
  • Report on Human Rights Impact Assessment and Due Diligence System Enhancement Project
  • Report on ESG Supply Chain Management Plan (Click ESG)
6 2023.08.07 100%
  • Acquisition of N Corporation Shares
7 2023.09.11 100%
  • Final Report on Human Rights Impact Assessment and Due Diligence System Enhancement Project
  • Report on 2023 KCGS ESG Ratings Evidential Materials Submission
  • Report on fostering Global Bio Ecosystem
8 2023.11.15 100%
  • Report on 2023 KCGS Ratings Result