
Business Ethics∙Compliance

Business Ethics Policy

Code of Ethics and its Practice Guidelines

SK bioscience has established business ethics principles that reflect the basic management philosophy of the SK Management System (SKMS), with the belief that 'transparency is the key prerequisite for corporate sustainability'. The Code of Ethics, which was established in consideration of various stakeholders, serves as the basis for judgment of employees' decisions and behaviors in all management activities.

Code of Ethics
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  • 고객:회사는 고객을 지속적으로 만족시켜 고객으로부터 신뢰를 얻어야 하며, 궁극적으로 고객과 더불어 발전하여야 한다.
  • 협력회사:회사는 협력회사와 공동발전을 추구하며, 정정당당하게 경쟁회사와 경쟁한다.
  • 구성원:회사는 구성원이 자발적이고 의욕적으로 일할 수 있도록 환경을 조성하고 구성원은 기업의 발전 및 이해관계자의 가치창출에 기여하여야 한다.
  • 사회:회사는 경제발전에의 기여와 함께 사회적 · 문화적 활동을 통하여 사회에 공헌하며, 사회규범과 윤리기준에 맞는 경영을 하여야 한다.
  • 구성원:회사는 주주의 가치가 창출될 수 있도록 기업의 가치를 높여야 하며, 이를 위해 투명성을 제고하고, 효율적인 경영을 하여야 한다.

SK bioscience’s Code of Ethics Practice Guidelines outline the ethical behavior and compliance obligations of our employees. All of our employees adhere to these guidelines, and we actively encourage our stakeholders to do the same. Recognizing the need to supplement and revise the guidelines in recent years, we made efforts to refine them in 2022. The revised guidelines have become more specific and clear, and they now include case-based FAQs to assist employees in better understanding and utilizing them.

SKBS Practice Guidelines of the Code of Ethics

Code of Conduct

Diligent performance of tasks / Prohibition of conflicts of interest / Protection of the Company’s assets and information / Antibribery and corruption / Respect for other employees

Attitude toward Customers

Customer-centered management/Protection of customer information

Responsibility toward Employees

Human-centered management/Safety and happiness of employees

Relationship with Business Partners

Win-win management/Fair competition with competitors

Roles in Society

Eco-Friendly management/Corporate Philanthropy


Compliance with fair trade laws and regulations/Fair trade practices under the principle of free competition

Responsibility toward shareholders

Enhancement of corporate value/Protection of shareholder rights

Business Ethics/Compliance Capacity-building

SK bioscience administers various forms of ethics training for all employees (including part-time) and contractors, to ensure comprehensive understanding and adherence to the Code of Ethics. SK Group's online training targets unethical practices such as budget misallocation, acceptance of monetary/gift incentives, abuse of authority, and workplace harassment, enhancing ethical decision-making and competencies across the workforce. Furthermore, the Company implements regular compliance training for the sales and marketing divisions and delivers ad-hoc training during the onboarding of new and experienced staff to fortify a robust internal compliance culture.

In 2023, SK bioscience executed company-wide ethics management training, facilitated discussion-based ethics practice workshops, and conducted regular/ad-hoc compliance training for the sales and marketing divisions. Additionally, to elevate employees’ ethical decision-making competencies, the Company implemented supplementary internal ethics management training for all staff.

Ethics Training
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  • 그룹 온라인 교육(연 1회):법인카드 편법 사용, 겸업금지, 갑질, 접대/향응 금지 등
  • 자체 윤리경영 교육(연 1회):윤리규범실천지침 주요 내용, 발생 사례, Check Point, 윤리실천 방법 등
  • 정기/수시 CP 교육:재직자(연 2회), 신규/경력 입사자(수시 교육)
  • 윤리경영 실천 Survey:윤리규범 준수, 윤리경영 실천 제도 관련 27개 문항
  • 윤리경영 실천 Workshop:- 77분과 토론식 교육 - 딜레마 상황에서의 구성원의 윤리적 의사결정 능력 제고 교육

Compliance Risk Management System

SK bioscience operates a compliance risk management system based on the belief that a company’s competitiveness can only be proven when it secures a competitive advantage in the market while adhering to laws and regulations. In addition, we practice business ethics and compliance management by implementing our Prevent-Detect-Respond framework. This approach helps us avoid profits from unethical business practices and lays the foundation for a fairer and more transparent company.

We established compliance regulations and regularly conduct annual business ethics and compliance training and pledges to prevent risks and embed ethical practices in our employees. Additionally, we operate a monitoring system that continuously checks reporting channels and marketing cost execution. We conduct business ethics practice surveys to evaluate the level of ethical practices, and the results are reflected to improve the compliance management system.

In addition, we have a policy of conducting audits of our ethical and anti-corruption standards across all operations twice a year. To accomplish this, we established audit compliance regulations and secured specialized audit personnel to ensure independent audits in 2022. Building on this foundation, we conducted regular audits focusing on cost and procurement areas twice, reporting the findings to the Audit Committee in 2023. Additionally, the audits identified and remediate management inefficiencies. We plan to continue auditing key vulnerable areas to drive ongoing improvements.

If violations are identified during investigations and monitoring, we follow disciplinary procedures, notify all employees, and incorporate these findings into our regulations and training programs.

Compliance Risk Management Framework
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  1. 윤리규범 • 윤리규범 • 윤리규범 실천지침 • 컴플라이언스 규정
  2. Prevent • 그룹 온라인 교육, 정기/수시 CP교육 • CP comm. 시스템 (CP 물어보세요) 운영 • 윤리경영 실천 설문조사 • 윤리경영 실천 워크숍
  3. Detect • 제보조사 • 자정시스템 • 감사 • 마케팅 판촉활동 상시 모니터링
  4. Respond • 제보조사, 감사, 자정시스템, 모니터링 결과 분석 • 결과에 대한 징계 및 규정 · 교육 반영
Compliance Implementation

SK bioscience has established a company-wide compliance management system and operates related programs. The Head of Legal & Patent Office is appointed as the Compliance Officer, responsible for planning, implementation, evaluation, and supervision of the entire process of the voluntary compliance program. In addition, the Compliance Officer oversees business-related activities such as pharmaceutical compliance activities and programs to raise the level of awareness of voluntary fair trade compliance among all employees. The Compliance Officer reports annually to the Board on these activities and future plans.

We operate a dedicated compliance division(Ethics Management Team) to establish a compliance system, monitor and investigate reports. The team also makes efforts to prevent compliance violations in advance by providing compliance-related training and imposing penalties for violations. In addition, in order to review the internal business system as the Company's business environment changes, we secured specialized audit personnel and added audit functions to the Ethics Management Team in 2022 to establish audit system. Since 2023, we have made every effort to upgrade the compliance management system throughout the Company by conducting full-scale audit activities.

Compliance Officer

SK bioscience appoints the Head of Legal & Patent Office as the Compliance Officer to carry out compliance activities. The Compliance Officer is appointed for a term of three years and plays a key role in overseeing the Company’s compliance work to strengthen the governance system, proactively preventing and managing legal risks.

Compliance Reporting Structure
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  1. Board of Directors
  2. 대표이사, 감사위원회
  3. 법무특허실장(준법지원인/자율준수관리자)
  4. 법무팀, 윤리경영팀
Responsibilities of the Compliance Officer

SK bioscience has strengthened its compliance system by specifying the activities, rights, and duties of the Compliance Officer in the Compliance Guidelines. The Compliance Officer is responsible for operating compliance education/training programs and checking whether the Guidelines are being followed. When necessary, the Compliance Officer may request employees to submit materials and seek advice from external experts, as well as make a statement to the Board in relation to compliance control. Beyond general compliance activities, the Compliance Officer actively works to enhance the Company-wide compliance system through risk prevention activities, thereby contributing to the Legal & Patent Office’s 2030 long-term vision of becoming a ‘Proactive & Business-oriented Legal Solution Provider’.

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  • 거버넌스 체계 정비

    이사회 중심 경영 정착
    이사회 프로세스 정착 및 산하 위원회 운영 지원
    관련 규제 〮 법령에 부합하는 운영체계 수립
    공시 의무, 자본시장법상 규제 준수, ESG 평가 대비
  • 선제적 리스크 관리

    전사적/통합적 리스크 관리 체계 구축
    리스크 식별, 평가, 대응, 점검
    계약상 리스크 최소화
    분쟁 및 당사 리스크를 최소화하기 위한 계약 검토
  • 국내외 사업 및 프로젝트 지원

    국내외 사업
    국내 마케팅 협약(Alliance) 규제 및 정책 모니터링, 대응
    C(D)MO, 국내 유통 계약 시 당사의 책임 및 면책 범위 명확화
Audit Committee Operation

SK bioscience operates the Audit Committee under the Board to strengthen the audit function and enhance management transparency. The Audit Committee audits the Company’s accounting and finance as well as its overall business in accordance with laws and regulations. It also receives reports on the operation status of the Company’s compliance program and internal accounting management system from the dedicated teams in compliance and reviews their appropriateness. In accordance with the Committee Regulations specified in the Commercial Act, the Audit Committee is composed entirely of outside directors and includes one expert in accounting and finance. Our Audit Committee fulfills its responsibilities and duties to establish more professional and transparent governance.

Audit Committee Meetings
2023년 감사위원회 활동 현황표
No. Date Attendance Agenda
1 2023.02.22 100%


  • 1.Approval of 2023 audit plan


  • 1.Report on internal accounting control system service results
  • 2.Report on the operation results of the internal accounting control system for 2022
  • 3.Report on the review results of the 2022 financial statements by external auditors
2 2023.03.03 100%


  • 1.Finalization of the evaluation on the operation of internal control system
  • 2.Finalization of the evaluation report on the operation of the internal accounting control system for 2022
  • 3.Finalization of the audit report
  • 4.Finalization of the agenda and document investigation results for the 5th annual shareholders' meeting
3 2023.03.27 100%


  • 1.Selection of the Audit Committee Chair
4 2023.04.26 100%


  • 1.Report on compliance with external auditor for 2022
  • 2.Report on the 2023 internal accounting control system plan
  • 3.Report on the review results of 23Q1 financial statements by external auditors
5 2023.07.28 100%


  • 1.Interim report on the internal accounting control system operation
  • 2.Report on the review results of 23Q2 financial statements by external auditors
  • 3.Report on the audit results of the internal accounting control system design evaluation by external auditors
6 2023.10.26 100%


  • 1.Interim report on the internal accounting control system operation for 2023
  • 2.Report on the review results of 23Q3 financial statements by external auditors
7 2023.11.22 100%


  • 1.Approval of compliance requirements, procedures, and evaluation criteria for the appointment of external auditors for 2024-2026
8 2023.12.14 100%


  • 1.Selection of external auditors for 2024-2026


  • 1.Report on 2023 businesss ethics operations

Internal Accounting Control System (IACS)

SK bioscience operates the Internal Accounting Control System(IACS) in accordance with the External Audit Act. As the IACS auditor certification level was raised from review to audit following the IPO in 2021, so we upgraded the IACS to reinforce transparency in corporate accounting and management.

SK bioscience operates the IACS to prepare and disclose reliable accounting information, not to merely maintain a system to comply with legal requirements. To operate the IACS, we established relevant regulations and guidelines and assigned our IACS Part to conduct design and operation evaluation to check all aspects of internal control. Through these procedures, we examine the approval process of major sales, production, financing, and accounting that affect corporate financial statements. Additionally, we effectively respond to external factors that may affect the business, such as changes in accounting standards.

SK bioscience conducts reporting and disclosures related to its internal accounting management system. CEO reports relevant matters to the Annual General Meeting, the Board, and the Audit Committee for each business year. External auditors independently audit the Company's internal accounting management system and report their findings to the Audit Committee. The Committee then independently evaluates the operation of the internal accounting system and reports the results to the Board. Subsequently, in accordance with legal requirements, the results of the internal accounting management system's operation are disclosed publicly. We also provide IACS training to employees and the audit committee to strengthen internal control and improve awareness at the Company level.