
Action on Climate Change

Net Zero Roadmap

Scope 1 & 2 Net Zero Roadmap

SK bioscience utilized methodologies proposed by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) to analyze greenhouse gas emissions across all its facilities in 2022. Based on this analysis, we established its initial goals and implementation strategies to achieve Net Zero emissions by 2031 and updated these plans in the first half of 2024. Scope 1 emissions primarily result from the use of LNG fuel in the boilers at the Andong L House. SK bioscience aims to meet its reduction targets by leveraging government policies and expanding plans for hydrogen energy infrastructure. Scope 2 emissions mainly arise from electricity consumption. SK bioscience plans to conclude a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA1)) for renewable energy in 2024, with the goal of sourcing renewable energy from 2027.

2031 Net Zero Roadmap
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(단위: tCO2eq)

  • 2021년 Scope1배출량:29% , Scope 2 배출량:16000 , Scope 1,2 배출량:
  • 2022년 Scope1배출량:28% , Scope 2 배출량:18000, Scope 1,2 배출량:
  • 2023년 Scope1배출량:30% , Scope 2 배출량:19000, Scope 1,2 배출량:
  • 2024년 Scope1배출량: , Scope 2 배출량:18000, Scope 1,2 배출량:
  • 2025년 Scope1배출량: , Scope 2 배출량:18000, Scope 1,2 배출량:
  • 2026년 Scope1배출량: , Scope 2 배출량:18000, Scope 1,2 배출량:
  • 2027년 Scope1배출량: , Scope 2 배출량:7000, Scope 1,2 배출량:
  • 2028년 Scope1배출량: , Scope 2 배출량:5000, Scope 1,2 배출량:
  • 2029년 Scope1배출량: , Scope 2 배출량:4000, Scope 1,2 배출량:
  • 2030년 Scope1배출량: , Scope 2 배출량:3000, Scope 1,2 배출량:
  • 2031년 Scope1배출량:0 , Scope 2 배출량:0, Scope 1,2 배출량:0
  • 1) PPA (Power Purchase Agreement): Contract for Electricity Purchase
  • Post-2025 emissions may vary depending on the operation of Andong G2+ and Songdo R&PD Center.
Scope 1 & 2 Net Zero Scenario
Direct GHG Emissions (Scope 1)

Hydrogen Energy Transition Scenario

Scope 1 stationary combustion emissions account for 29% of the total Scope 1 stationary combustion emissions account for 29% of the total emissions, with over 97% originating from LNG boilers at the Andong L House. Hydrogen energy is gaining attention as a clean energy source. However, market stability in terms of supply, demand, government policies, and infrastructure will take time to achieve. SK bioscience plans to gradually begin hydrogen co-firing following government plans and policies for hydrogen infrastructure expansion. we will adjust the proportion of hydrogen co-firing based on near-future hydrogen-related regulations and prices. As the hydrogen market stabilizes, SK bioscience intends to aggressively increase the proportion of hydrogen co-firing, aiming for 100% hydrogen fuel transition by 2031 to achieve Net Zero.

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  • 2021년 LNG 사용량(TJ): 90, 수소 혼소량(TJ): , Scope 1 탄소배출량(tCO2eq):
  • 2022년 LNG 사용량(TJ): 90, 수소 혼소량(TJ): , Scope 1 탄소배출량(tCO2eq):
  • 2023년 LNG 사용량(TJ): 90, 수소 혼소량(TJ): , Scope 1 탄소배출량(tCO2eq):
  • 2024년 LNG 사용량(TJ): 90, 수소 혼소량(TJ): , Scope 1 탄소배출량(tCO2eq):
  • 2025년 LNG 사용량(TJ): 90, 수소 혼소량(TJ): , Scope 1 탄소배출량(tCO2eq):
  • 2026년 LNG 사용량(TJ): , 수소 혼소량(TJ): 18.4, Scope 1 탄소배출량(tCO2eq):
  • 2027년 LNG 사용량(TJ): , 수소 혼소량(TJ): , Scope 1 탄소배출량(tCO2eq):
  • 2028년 LNG 사용량(TJ): , 수소 혼소량(TJ): , Scope 1 탄소배출량(tCO2eq):
  • 2029년 LNG 사용량(TJ): , 수소 혼소량(TJ): , Scope 1 탄소배출량(tCO2eq):
  • 2030년 LNG 사용량(TJ): , 수소 혼소량(TJ): 45.9, Scope 1 탄소배출량(tCO2eq):
  • 2031년 LNG 사용량(TJ): 0, 수소 혼소량(TJ): 91.9, Scope 1 탄소배출량(tCO2eq): 0
Indirect GHG Emissions (Scope 2)

Renewable Energy Transition Scenario

Approximately 71% of SK bioscience's greenhouse gas emissions fall under Scope 2, with 98% of these emissions originating from electricity usage. Therefore, transitioning from traditional fossil fuel-based power sources to renewable energy is central to the Company's Net Zero strategy. SK bioscience plans to secure renewable energy through a PPA (Power Purchase Agreement) and will continuously monitor and adjust for anticipated emissions changes due to the operational environments of facilities such as Andong L House G2+ and Songdo Global R&PD Center. We remain committed to flexibly responding to climate change risks amid rapidly evolving domestic and international business environment.

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전력 사용량 (단위: MWh), 탄소배출량 (단위: tCO2eq)

  • 2021년 Scope 2 순배출량 (tCO2eq): , PPA 공급량 (MWh):
  • 2022년 Scope 2 순배출량 (tCO2eq): , PPA 공급량 (MWh):
  • 2023년 Scope 2 순배출량 (tCO2eq): , PPA 공급량 (MWh):
  • 2024년 Scope 2 순배출량 (tCO2eq): , PPA 공급량 (MWh):
  • 2025년 Scope 2 순배출량 (tCO2eq): , PPA 공급량 (MWh):
  • 2026년 Scope 2 순배출량 (tCO2eq): , PPA 공급량 (MWh):
  • 2027년 Scope 2 순배출량 (tCO2eq): , PPA 공급량 (MWh):
  • 2028년 Scope 2 순배출량 (tCO2eq): , PPA 공급량 (MWh):
  • 2029년 Scope 2 순배출량 (tCO2eq): , PPA 공급량 (MWh):
  • 2030년 Scope 2 순배출량 (tCO2eq): , PPA 공급량 (MWh):
  • 2031년 Scope 2 순배출량 (tCO2eq): 0, PPA 공급량 (MWh): 0
Financial Impact Analysis According to Net Zero Scenario

Based on the IEA1) Sustainable Development Scenario(SDS),2) energy and carbon costs analysis shows a reduction in the mid- to long-term when we implement the 2022 Net Zero roadmap . In the short-term, the cost burden is expected to rise due to renewable energy costs increase. However, considering the introduction of carbon pricing policies and the price stabilization expected from government hydrogen infrastructure expansion under the SDS, energy and carbon costs are projected to decrease as of 2028. By the time Net Zero is achieved in 2031, an annual average cost saving of approximately KRW 1.2 billion is anticipated. SK bioscience plans to re-evaluate the detailed financial impacts under various climate scenarios, incorporating the updated renewable energy transition plan as of the first half of 2024.

  • 1) IEA (International Energy Agency): Global energy policy advisor.
  • 2) IEA Sustainable Development Scenario(SDS): A scenario that assumes the achievement of the sustainable energy goals recommended by the UN SDGs, consistent with the goals of the Paris Agreement
Value at Risk of Energy & Carbon Costs
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(단위: 억 원)

  • 2022년 BAU 시나리오 에너지 & 온실가스 비용: , Net Zero 시나리오 에너지 & 온실가스 비용: , 재생에너지 투자에 따른 초기 Net Zero 비용 부담
  • 2023년 BAU 시나리오 에너지 & 온실가스 비용: , Net Zero 시나리오 에너지 & 온실가스 비용:
  • 2024년 BAU 시나리오 에너지 & 온실가스 비용: , Net Zero 시나리오 에너지 & 온실가스 비용:
  • 2025년 BAU 시나리오 에너지 & 온실가스 비용: , Net Zero 시나리오 에너지 & 온실가스 비용:
  • 2026년 BAU 시나리오 에너지 & 온실가스 비용: , Net Zero 시나리오 에너지 & 온실가스 비용:
  • 2027년 BAU 시나리오 에너지 & 온실가스 비용: , Net Zero 시나리오 에너지 & 온실가스 비용:
  • 2028년 BAU 시나리오 에너지 & 온실가스 비용: , Net Zero 시나리오 에너지 & 온실가스 비용: , 수소 비용 및 탄소 비용 감소에 따른 비용 절감 및 이익 확대
  • 2029년 BAU 시나리오 에너지 & 온실가스 비용: , Net Zero 시나리오 에너지 & 온실가스 비용:
  • 2030년 BAU 시나리오 에너지 & 온실가스 비용: , Net Zero 시나리오 에너지 & 온실가스 비용:
  • 2031년 BAU 시나리오 에너지 & 온실가스 비용: , Net Zero 시나리오 에너지 & 온실가스 비용: , Scope 1 ,2 Net Zero 이행 시, 에너지 & 탄소 비용

2028년 이후 연평균 12억 원의 비용 절감 효과 예상

  • Carbon Price (KRW/tCO2eq)1): Based on IEA SDS (Sustainable Development Scenario) data, rising from KRW 49,109 /tCO2eq in 2021 to KRW 136,679 /tCO2eq in 2031.
  • PPA Tariff (KRW): Estimated by using historical electricity price increase data and industrial power tariff costs forecasts in Germany, assumed to range from a minimum of KRW 150 to a maximum of KRW 242.
  • 1)IEA, 2021. WEO Scenario


Management & Supervision of the Board of Directors

SK bioscience’s key decision-making bodies, namely the Board of Directors and the ESG Committee, are responsible for issues concerning climate change response strategies and activities. The Board of Directors holds the responsibility for managing and supervising all ESG management factors, including climate change. On the other hand, the ESG Committee evaluates risks and opportunities, assesses ESG management performance, and monitors and reports the implementation progress of climate change responses to the Board. Furthermore, the Board of Directors secures climate change leadership by integrating ESG performance into the CEO’s key performance indicators(KPIs) and compensation system.

Roles of Executives

SK bioscience operates an ESG Council to respond to major company-wide risks. The ESG Council makes decisions on key issues such as greenhouse gas reduction measures and investment activities, in addition to management strategies to respond to climate change, and regularly monitors the activities of departments such as strategy and risk management. Furthermore, SK bioscience operates ESG Working-level Council to support the decision-making process of the Board of Directors and ESG Committee and enhance the working-level collaboration.

Climate Change Response Implementation Framework
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  • 이사회 보고
    Board of Directors
    기후변화 관련 리스크 및 기회와 영향도 검토, Net Zero 목표 및 추진계획 논의 및 승인
  • 경영층 회의체
    ESG 협의체
    기후변화 대응 전략 및 Net Zero 로드맵 검토, 온실가스 감축 이행을 위한 전사 협력 촉진 등
  • 향후 운영 방향
  • 실무 회의체
    ESG 실무협의체
    전사 조직 간 실무협의체
    Net Zero 목표 수립 및 개선과저 도출, 유관부서 실행 지원 및 이행점검, 글로벌 이니셔티브 (TCFD, SBTi, CDP 등) 대응
    온실가스 규제 대응 및 감축과제 이행, 저탄소 연료/공정 도입 등
Board Oversight of Climate Change Agenda
기후변화 대응 안건 관련 이사회의 관리감독 현황
Category Date Agenda (Content)
Board of Directors 2024.04.24 Proposal for SK Group-wide renewable energy joint PPA (Power Purchase Agreement)
2022.11.23 Report on progress in climate change response
2022.10.26 Publication of TCFD Report
2022.07.27 Update on progress in climate change response
ESG Committee 2024.04.17 Execution of Group Joint Purchase PPA contract
2023.04.17 Implementation of RE100 initiative
2022.10.13 Publication of TCFD report
2022.07.20 Report on Progress in Climate Change Response


Net Zero Operation – Short- & Mid-term Strategy to Achieve Net Zero at Worksites

SK bioscience has set a GHG Net Zero goal and developed a roadmap in alignment with the Science Based Targets initiative(SBTi). In addition, we have identified GHG emissions by major sources at our worksites through voluntary GHG verification since 2021 and have established strategies for fuel switching and RE100 adoption to refine our Net Zero goal. At the same time, we have analyzed the economic feasibility of Net Zero costs to enhance the implementation of our strategies.

Net Zero in Value Chain – Long-term Strategy to Respond to Climate Change

SK bioscience has completed the calculation of Scope 3 emissions for 2022 in order to plan reduction activities throughout the entire value chain. We plan to respond in stages by identifying the amount of GHG emissions in major categories. To achieve Scope 3 Net Zero, we will implement a gradual reduction strategy, starting with the conversion of internal and external vehicles to electric vehicles in the short term. Additionally, we will collect product LCA data and the emissions database of upstream and downstream transportation vehicles.

Worksite Net Zero Roadmap
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  • 2021~2050년 : Scope 3 Value Chain 온실가스 감축 역량 강화
  • 2025~2030년 : Scope 2 재생에너지 공급 및 확대, 재생에너지 공급사 모색 및 계약 체결
  • 2024~2031년 : Scope 1 안동 L House LNG 보일러 연료 전환 Net Zero 목표 달성 (2031)
Assessment of Climate Change Risks & Opportunities

In line with the 2022 TCFD’s recommendations, SK bioscience has identified risks and opportunities that affect the sustainability of its business and its future response to climate change. At the policy level, the strengthening of carbon emission regulations and the introduction of carbon pricing act as drivers to accelerate corporate carbon reduction efforts. Additionally, the trend of mandating non-financial performance disclosure is promoting transparent reporting of carbon reduction performance.
In the market, growing demand for environmentally friendly products and services is driving a premium for low- and zero-carbon products. From a reputation perspective, we anticipate that an organization’s brand image will soon be influenced by its climate change response performance, highlighting the importance of relevant R&D and technological capabilities. We also expect that extreme weather events will impact business operations and assets.

Climate Change Factors
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기후변화 이슈

  • 정책
    탄소 배출 규제 강화
    정책적 탄소 가격 도입
    비재무 성과 공시 의무화
  • 시장
    친환경 제품/서비스 니즈 증가
  • 평판
    기후변화 대응 성과에 따른 소비자 및 이해관계자의 인식 향상
  • 기술/R&D
    친환경 기술 요구 강화
    친환경 전환 비용 증가
  • 자연재해
    이상기후 현상에 따른 사업 영향
Climate Change Risks & Opportunities

Climate change brings about various risks and opportunities that can directly or indirectly impact our financial and non-financial performance. Recognizing the significance of climate change on our business, SK bioscience has categorized these risks into transition risks and physical risks and conducted risks and opportunities assessments. Building upon the evaluation outcomes, we plan to consistently manage the impacts of climate change.

전환 리스크/기회 기후변화 리스크 및 기회 요인,기후변화 이슈, SKBS Approach
Category Climate Change Issues Risks Opportunities Our Approach
Transition Risks & Opportunities Policy/Law Introduction of carbon tax/Regulations on carbon emissions
  • Introduction of policy-based carbon pricing & Increased carbon price burden
  • -
  • Establishment & implementation of plans to achieve Net Zero goals, and Disclosing results
Increasing trend of disclosing climate change action status
  • -
  • Increased sustainability of global collaborations as EU, U.S., and global organizationsmandate disclosure of climate change actions
  • Strengthening responses to global initiatives to secure external trust
Market Growing global needs for sustainable life sciences
  • Failure to adequately respond to the rise and spread of global infectious diseases and illnesses undermines corporate value
  • Increased need to respond to post-pandemic trends regarding vaccine self-sufficiency and strengthening biosecurity
  • Potential to enhance the presence as a vaccine maker by taking a leading role inclimate change actions
  • Contributing to preventing the spread of disease caused by climate change
  • Setting a Net Zero goal & unveiling an implementation strategy
  • Strengthening vaccine supply to developing countries
  • Increasing R&D, production, and supply of products related to diseasesand infectious diseases
Increasing possibility of receiving negative feedback from stakeholders and rising social costs
  • Stakeholder demand for a stronger response to climate change
  • -
  • Setting Net Zero goals
  • Disclosing progress status and strategies & strengthening external communications
Reputation Increasing trend of disclosing climate change action status
  • Failure to meet the climate change response requirements of global companies reduces opportunities to engage in C(D)MO
  • -
Stakeholders’ perceptions of climate change response performance and communication
  • Delayed action on climate change damages brand credibility
  • Strengthening branding based on public commitments, including climate change action
  • Monitoring & Managing climate change action performance & encouraging partners
  • Strengthening external communications on infectious diseases response status
Technology Increased demand for technologies that reduce environmental impacts and rising cost for low-carbon transition
  • Increased environmental burden from waste and single-use packaging materials
  • Pollution of aquatic ecosystems during manufacturing, including organic solvents and pharmaceutical spills
  • Delays in research or decreased opportunities for research collaboration with joint research institutions(Sanofi, IVI)
  • -
  • Simplifying packaging, upcycle, replacing with recycled materials, etc.
  • Establishing a low-carbon product R&D plan
물리적 리스크 기후변화 리스크 및 기회 요인,기후변화 이슈, SKBS Approach
Category Climate Change Issues Risks Our Approach
Physical Risks Acute Heat wave
  • Increased incidence of infectious diseases and heat-related illnesses due to rising temperatures
  • Increased power usage and costs in production facilities and offices due to rising temperatures and heat waves
  • Reviewing potential risks of infectious diseases and heat-related illnesses & Enhancement of response measures
  • Monitoring & Managing power consumption
  • Identification & Implementation improvement plans
  • Increased risk of damages to workplace facilities, structures, lives, and property by wildfire
  • Establishment & Implementation of a workplace safety and health management policy
  • Establishment of a dedicated safety and health division
  • Conducting regular facility inspections and assessments
  • Evaluation & Improvement of disaster prevention measures
  • Operating Safety and health goals/performance management system
  • Possible loss of workplace facilities and structures due to strong winds
  • Potential for personal injuries and property damage caused by facility loss
Torrential downpour
  • Risks of river flooding, external water reflux, and flooding in low-lying areas due to torrential downpour
Chronic Increased extreme weather events
  • Spread of vector-borne infectious diseases due to changes in the habitat of insects, rodents, etc.
  • Reviewing the potential risks for emerging infectious diseases and zoonoses
  • Strengthening branding based on public commitments, including climate change action
Increased average temperatures
  • Increased investment costs due to expanded power and cooling capacity of production facilities and offices
  • Replacing power-intensive facilities & Promoting operational efficiency
  • Promoting workplace energy efficiency (eco-friendly building design, certification, etc.)

Risk Management

Climate Change Risk Management System

To manage climate change risks that have a direct or indirect impact on both financial and non-financial performance, SK bioscience conducts evaluations of potential climate-related risks. These evaluations take into account the timeframe(short, medium, and long-term), and financial implications. The ESG Team collaborates with relevant departments to identify and assess climate-related issues, and subsequently reports them to the management. The management incorporates the identified risks and opportunities, along with their actual and potential impact, into their decision-making processes. The risk management system reflects domestic and international climate change policy objectives, Net Zero goals, achievements, and the level of exposure to climate risks. The key findings are then reported to both the ESG Committee and the Board of Directors.

Our ESG Committee is systematically monitoring climate change risks and opportunities, but moving forward, we plan to internalize climate change risk management into our Enterprise Risk Management(ERM) system, which integrates business risks for effective supervision. Accordingly, we will minimize negative risks from climate change by identifying potential impacts on the entire company in the event of severe climate change risks and proposing countermeasures.

Climate Change Risk Management Process

1. Identifying Climate-related Risks

  • Reporting to the Board of Directors regarding the business and operations that involve climate risk through ESG committees
  • The relevant departments and the ESG Team identify climate risks and provide reports to the Board of Directors for consideration when launching new businesses and making future investments.

2. Evaluating Climate-related Risks

  • The ESG Team: Evaluating investment and business risks in consideration of the criteria for climate-related risks(scale, operation, capability, willingness to mitigate risks, etc.)
  • The range of evaluation can be adjusted based on the characteristics of the biotech sector, operation, transaction characteristics and scale. The evaluation result determines the metrics.

3. Risk Management Activity

  • Implementing policies to manage risks by business area, collecting and analyzing data, including GHG emissions
  • Disclosing climate-related risks audit conducting verification of the accuracy, clarity, comparability, and timeliness of the information
  • Reducing manageable risk exposures of climate-related metrics, determining targets that can be improved

4. Result Reporting

  • The ESG Team: Reporting on risk exposure levels, metrics, and level of target achievement
  • Investment and business projects with high climate risks should be approved by the CEO and involve consultation with external experts. Employees regularly review and work towards improving the management practices with project managers, aiming to transition towards a sustainable business.

Metrics & Targets

Net Zero Targets Implementation

SK bioscience aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by introducing and expanding the use of renewable energy in the mid- to long-term. By gradually enlarging renewable energy usage at worksites, such as through the staged conversion of LNG fuel to hydrogen for the Andong L House multitube-through boilers and the supply of solar-generated electricity, SK bioscience plans to achieve its Net Zero goal by 2031.

2023~2031년 Net Zero 목표대응
Category Unit 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 Target Year
Net Zero Targets Response Scope 1 Reduction Rate % 0 0 0 10 10 20 30 50 100 2031
Scope 2 Reduction Rate % 0 0 0 0 90 90 90 90 100
사업장 온실가스 감축, Scope 3 온실가스 감축 내용과 목표 연도
Category Detail Target Year
Worksites GHG Reduction Renewable Energy Usage 23,277 MWh 2027
Renewable Energy Usage Ratio 90%
Scope 3 GHG Reduction Scope 3 GHG Emissions 11,030 tCO2eq 2050
2021~2023년 에너지 총 사용량 , 온실가스 배출량
Category Unit 2021 2022 2023
Total Energy Usage TJ 347.5 383.7 400.8
Total GHG Emissions tCO2eq 16,927 18,491 19,377
Scope 3 Calculation Results & Management Plan

SK bioscience calculates and continuously manages its Scope 3 GHG emissions in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions not only from its own business sites but also throughout the entire value chain. To calculate our Scope 3 GHG emissions, we have selected the main categories and methodologies in line with domestic and international standards necessary for the calculation. We have identified and collected data such as the cost and quantity of raw materials purchased, fuel usage, and emission factors. Moving forward, we will continuously manage our Scope 3 GHG emissions by further advancing the template and methodology for data collection and analysis.

The majority of SK bioscience’s Scope 3 GHG emissions come from category 1(Purchased Products & Services) and 2(Capital Goods). Therefore, to reduce GHG emissions in both categories simultaneously, we will continue to work with key stakeholders to reduce our value chain GHG emissions, including intensively managing our partners.

GHG Emission Status : Scope 3
Category Emissions(tCO2eq) Ratio(%)
1 Purchased Products & Services 82,251 71
2 Capital Goods 20,517 18
3 Fuel & Energy 1,070 1
4 Upstream Transportation 4,248 4
5 Waste 699 1
6 Business Trip 567 0
7 Commute 997 1
8 Lease in - 0
9 Downstream Transportation 3,272 3
10 Processing - 0
11 Product Use 2,436 2
12 Product Disposal 8 0
13 Lease Out - 0
14 Franchises - 0
15 Investments - 0
Total 116,063 100