
Environmental Impacts Management

Waste Management

SK bioscience not only strives to recycle and reuse resources used in the entire production process of its products but also identifies and manages waste generation in each process to prevent environmental pollution caused by waste generation. We monitor every step of the process, from waste generation to treatment. We classify waste that may be contaminated separately and sterilize it before shipment to eliminate its harmfulness, considering the impact of waste on society, people, and nature.

Additionally, we strictly manage designated wastes that may contaminate the surrounding environment by disposing of them through external companies. Apart from situations where waste is classified as hazardous waste, which legally requires incineration for disposal, we actively seek external recycling suppliers to recycle general waste, going above and beyond the legal requirements for waste treatment.

Furthermore, we regularly receive and manage disposal data to understand the amount of waste disposal systematically. Despite a rise in the amount of waste disposed over the past three years due to increased vaccine production in response to the spread of COVID-19, the recycling rate has shown a consistent upward trend. In 2024, we have planned various recycling projects to further enhance the recycling rate of water and waste.

Process Monitoring and Waste Classification Process
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  • 처리 유형에 따른 폐기물 식별
  • 유형별 폐기물 분류
  • 일반 폐기물
    업체를 통한 재활용
    오염 우려 폐기물
    반출 전 멸균
    지정 폐기물
    업체를 통한 별도 배출

Hazardous Chemicals Management

As global regulations intensify, the importance of hazardous chemicals management has become increasingly important. SK bioscience conducts regular inspections and systematic management of its inventory to comply with chemical-related laws and regulations. We update and manage GHS-MSDS1) through the SHE IT system, and minimize the risks from exposure and disposal of hazardous chemicals, to a wide range of stakeholders including workers and local communities. Furthermore, we conduct pre-hazard assessments before introducing new chemicals and prevent safety incidents through statutory inspections of facilities handling hazardous chemicals.

We are also in the process of developing a CMS2) to thoroughly manage the entire life cycle of all chemicals entering the workplace, as well as pre-evaluate them, and plan to complete the system in the first half of 2024. Additionally, we plan to establish an API exposure and contamination management system to minimize environmental impact from drug substance (DS) usage in 2024.

  • 1) MSDS : Material Safety Data Sheets
  • 2) CMS : Chemical Management System
Introduction Process of Chemicals
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  • 도입준비
    화학물질 필요 부서의 구매 요청
  • 법규검토
    SHE 법규 검토(인허가 필요 여부)
    인허가 대응 필요사항 전달
  • 인허가 단계
    법적요건 검토 (시설기준 만족 등)
    인허가 대응 충족
  • 도입
    화학물질 입고
Hazardous Chemicals Safety Training

We provide training on key chemical substances during new hire training sessions and regular training sessions for all employees to raise awareness of the dangers of chemical substances. We also provide separate training on MSDS to inform the potential dangers of introducing new chemical substances. Moreover, we train chemical handlers by setting up standards for wearing protective equipment against hazardous chemicals. In 2023, we went all out to prevent related accidents by conducting special safety training for these handlers.

화학물질 관련 안전교육 현장

Safety Training on Chemicals

[2023 Hazardous Chemicals Safety Training]

  • Participants: 186 members (all staff in BD Dept.)
  • Duration: 16 hours (4 hours online, 12 hours offline)
  • Content:

    • Common practices for handling chemicals
    • Understanding hazardous chemicals
    • Safety facilities and safe work methods
    • Incidents and safe work procedures

Air Pollutant Management

To reduce air pollutants generated by fossil fuels, SK bioscience has replaced industrial boiler fuels with LNG. We have implemented measures to manage air pollutants at the generation stage, including the addition of a number control function to operate the boilers sequentially based on steam requirements. Furthermore, we conduct regular measurements to ensure compliance with emission limits.

Andong L HOUSE uses ecofriendly refrigerants that minimize ozone-depleting substances generated during refrigerator operation. In addition, to manage exhaust gas within the workplace, we measure the quality of air that is coming from outside to maintain a fresh air percentage of 30% or higher compared with the standards. We control indoor pollutants and prevent the infiltration of pollutants by operating independent and local heating, ventilation, air conditioning(HVAC) equipment. This is done not only to protect both the atmospheric environment and the respiratory health of employees within the workplace.

Water Resources Management

SK bioscience’s water resources management minimizes wastewater generation and reduces water consumption. We utilize the in-house Biokill system to reduce the risk of water pollution effectively. We try to reduce contamination during discharge by removing biological hazards that may arise from the process, and by controlling the pH level and sterilization before discharge. The wastewater from the Andong plant is sent to a wastewater treatment facility, where it is regularly monitored to ensure that its discharge remains below the approved inflow concentration level, as determined by Andong City, in accordance with the plant’s wastewater treatment efficiency. Additionally, we conduct monthly monitoring of wastewater discharge and implement measures to reduce usage. In 2023, we installed an additional wastewater meter to ensure accurate monitoring of the figures for each source of generation.

To reduce water consumption, we recycle factory water and are making efforts to identify various ways to consume treated wastewater. Also, we use the rainwater collected in our tanks in factories and manage the water usage through eco-friendly vegetation for water conservation. The usage and discharge of water are measured using a flowmeter, with the figures recorded twice a day. Additionally, Andong L House outsources the treatment of all wastewater to a public wastewater treatment facility within the Gyeongsangbuk-do Bio Industry Complex. This facility adheres to stricter standards than the statutory raw wastewater discharge concentration limits, ensuring safer and more effective treatment.

수질오염관리 시스템

Water Pollutant Management System

Biodiversity Conservation

SK bioscience deeply recognizes the value of biodiversity and the importance of preserving ecosystems. We emphasize the importance of environmental conservation to the continuity of our business by including environmental conservation training in our regular training curriculum. We also protect the natural environment and ecosystems in the vicinity by preserving the original form as much as possible when expanding business sites.

In August 2021, when the site adjacent to L House was contracted for the expansion of the factory, the area was designated as an industrial complex zone by Gyeongsangbuk-do, but the construction work was not carried out thus the mountain and the field remained. Therefore, we worked with local governments, including Gyeongsangbuk-do and Andong-si, and the industrial complex from the stage of the complex planning, and developed a plan to expand on a minimal amount of land, and to preserve the remaining area in its natural state. In 2024, we plan to assess the impact of Andong L House operation on local biodiversity, including flora and fauna, and develop and implement relevant action plans.

Additionally, the new Global R&PD Center, planned for construction in Songdo, Incheon, will treat wastewater generated during research and development processes on-site. The treated water will then be discharged into the West Sea via the Songdo Sewage Treatment Plant, minimizing biodiversity impacts from wastewater. SK bioscience will take the lead in protecting biodiversity by fully preserving the natural environment and coexisting with various ecosystems in the region.

Biodiversity Risk Management Process

SK bioscience is currently reviewing the ongoing biodiversity conservation process of its parent company. Our plan is to implement Steps 2 and 3 by the first half of 2024 in order to identify biodiversity risks and develop management and mitigation measures.

The biodiversity risk management process will be established by referring to global assessment methodologies and frameworks, such as the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosure(TNFD) guidelines and the Locate Evaluate Assess Prepare(LEAP) approach. Additionally, we are preparing to assess risks by considering biodiversity risks associated with dependency and impact.

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  1. Step 1:사업장 위치/밸류체인 분석
  2. Step 2:자연자원에 대한 의존도 및 영향 측정
  3. Step 3:영향 저감계획 수립 및 이행, 공시

Supply Chain Environmental Management & Support

SK bioscience evaluates the environmental management capabilities of its business partners through their ESG management practices. The evaluation covers various aspects of environmental management, including measuring and reducing greenhouse gas emissions, tracking and reducing waste emissions and recycling efforts, ensuring safety management throughout the lifecycle for hazardous substances, monitoring the content of each product, measuring and reducing air pollutant emissions, preventing pollution, conserving resources, and managing water.

Furthermore, based on the evaluation results, SK bioscience supports suppliers by proposing short-term and mid-to-long-term improvement plans and providing consulting services, promoting the establishment of environmental management practices within the supply chain.

Hazardous Substance Emission Reduction Program within the Supply Chain

Since 2023, SK bioscience has implemented annual internal audits of waste management contractors handling onsite waste. These audits assess the compliance of waste processing and the adequacy of treatment facilities. The findings are quantified and used to decide contract renewals or to mandate corrective actions based on our own criteria. Additionally, we continuously update audit checklist through monitoring of laws and regulations to improve contractor management.

폐기물 처리업체의 계약업체수, 점검주기, 점검결과
Target Number of Contractors Inspection Frequency Inspection Results
Waste Disposal Contractors 9 At least once per year No notable issues detected
(As of January 2024)

Key Inspection Items

  1. 1Consistency between licensed waste processing facilities and those in operation (including storage and prevention facilities)
  2. 2Possession of adequate processing capacity (including facilities, vehicles, and personnel)
  3. 3Compliance with permitted storage volumes and storage periods
  4. 4Implementation of safety measures (such as the use of protective gear, safety devices, and workplace lighting)
  5. 5Status of complaints and administrative actions
  6. 6Compliance with legal processing, including any re-delegation to other companies