
Ownership Structure & Shareholders

Status of Shareholders

All stocks of SK bioscience are common stock, and our largest shareholder is SK chemicals, which owns 67.76% of the shares as of December 31, 2023.

Shareholders Status

자세한 내용은 아래div를 참고해주세요 자세한 내용은 아래div를 참고해주세요
  • SK케미칼 67.76%
  • 기타 32.24%
최대주주 및 그 특수관계인의 주식 소유 현황
Category Shareholder Name Number of Shares Owned % of Shareholding
5% or more SK chemicals 52,059,724 67.76%
Others 24,768,026 32.24%
Total 76,827,750 100%

Shareholders’ Meetings & Shareholder Engagement

Annual General Meeting (AGM) & Protection of Shareholders’ Rights

SK bioscience holds the Annual General Meeting to share the Company’s direction and management status with shareholders and stakeholders and to collect their feedback. In accordance with Article 542-4 of the Commercial Act, we notify and disclose matters concerning the venue and agenda of the AGM two weeks in advance. In 2024, a convening notice was issued 26 days prior to the AGM. Resolutions or major agenda that are closely related to investors’ interests are disclosed on the DART (Data Analysis, Retrieval, and Transfer System). Furthermore, voting rights exercise status at the AGM held on March 25, 2024(including the number of voting rights in attendance) is also available on SK bioscience’s website.

SK bioscience operates several shareholder rights protection systems to safeguard shareholders’ rights and interests in corporate management while strengthening investors’ awareness of their rights. In 2021, we resolved to introduce the electronic voting system to maximize the exercise of shareholders’ voting rights and adopted it at the AGM since 2022. Additionally, we provide transparent disclosure of our share status through various channels, including SK bioscience’s website and electronic disclosure system.

Communication with Shareholders

The most important aspect of corporate governance is communication between the Company and its shareholders. We transparently disclose our management status and performance to our shareholders not only through the general meeting of shareholders, but also through performance presentations, regular. IR meetings, and domestic & global Non-Deal Roadshows(NDRs). Information necessary for shareholders, such as shareholder status, stock issuance history, performance announcements, Analyst Reports, etc. are disclosed on SK bioscience’s website.

Through active IR activities and continuous communication with analysts, SK bioscience will strive to provide useful investment-related information to shareholders and actively utilize it in management’s decision-making.