
Win-win Management

Sustainable Supply Chain

Supply Chain Management System

To ensure the sustainability of our supply chain, SK bioscience establishes strategic partnerships with our suppliers that share our ESG values and aim to strengthen competitiveness together. Based on our Supply Chain ESG Policy, we have developed various programs to promote mutual growth and enhance the capabilities of our partners. We manage ESG risks across the entire value chain by diagnosing and supporting the implementation of improvements.

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지속가능한 공급망 관리 체계

상생협력 활동
공정거래 원칙 준수
공급망 역량 강화
협력사 품질/안전보건 관리
협력사 교육 지원
공급망 ESG 강화
ESG경영 진단/개선
구매 과정 내 평가 결과 반영
Supply Chain Scope & Classification

As a company that researches, develops, and produces biomedicine such as vaccines, SK bioscience has established strict standards to evaluate and register suppliers.

Main Suppliers

Companies with high strategic significance based on annual ordering costs or the nature of partnership in case of the key component suppliers, irreplaceable companies, and strategic procurement outsourcing suppliers

Other Suppliers

Companies that require a systematic management approach due to a significant business relationship with us

Supply Chain ESG Policy

SK bioscience requires all business partners to sign the ‘BP(Business Partners) Ethical Practice Pledge' prior to contract finalization to ensure the establishment of ethical and transparent business relationships. Furthermore, through supply chain ESG risks assessment, we check and monitor BPs’ current status of ethical management such as anti-corruption policies, employee training, and reporting channels for unethical issues. We put our efforts to establish ethical and sustainable supply chain by requiring BPs’ to implement their compliance programs and reduce risks.

Additionally, we declares our support for PSCI1) initiative and agree with the five key principles of the PSCI (ethics, human rights and labor, health and safety, environment, and management systems) and its goals. In line with these principles, SK bioscience implemented a supply chain ESG policy in 2022. The Company has also established a 'Code of Conduct for Partners,'(Link) providing guidelines to partners for ESG management practices and encouraging compliance through a commitment pledge.

  • 1)PSCI(Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Initiative) : A non-profit organization established to enhance sustainability in the global healthcare supply chain
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Supplier Code of Conduct

  • Adoption of supplier code of conduct which is comprised of five sections (Human Rights and Labor, Safety & Health, Eco-friendliness, Business Ethics, Management System)

ESG Self-checklist

  • Self-inspection of check-list items such as fair trade/anti-corruption, safety issues, and partner transaction status for all purchase contracts

Compliance(CP) Agreement

  • Ensuring transparency in transactions and the practice of business ethics concerning business partners through
    • Inclusion of the ‘BP ethical practice pledge’ in the initial contract
    • Business legitimacy and contract status checks before and after the agreement

Code of Ethics for Purchasing

  • Basic principles of fair and transparent transactions
  • Compliance with laws and international conventions(The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, UN Global Compact, etc.)
  • Reporting of violations and protection of the informant

Bid Evaluation Guide

  • Partner selection principles, bidding process, detailed guidelines containing ESG elements

Social-responsibility-based Purchasing Principles

  • Fulfillment of corporate social responsibility by pursuing shared growth in selecting trading partners and reviewing/supporting business partners’ non-financial status
Shared Growth with Business Partners

SK bioscience forges collaborative relationships with partners based on transparency and fairness, driving co-growth through various policies and support programs. To this end, the Company enforces strict adherence to legal regulations and guidelines that safeguard partner rights from the procurement bidding stage to contract finalization. SK bioscience complies diligently with all relevant laws, including the Monopoly Regulation and Fair Trade Act, the Act on Fair Transactions in Subcontracting, and other pertinent regulations. the Company also implements fair and transparent contract guidelines to advance co-growth within the biochemical industry.

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투명/공정한 거래환경 조성
공정거래 원칙 기반 윤리적 구매 실천
협력사 선정 및 입찰 프로세스 공정 기회/ 투명성 유지
협력사 경쟁력 강화
협력사 교육/경쟁력 강화 프로그램 지원
협업 과제 발굴 및 소통 강화
협력사 ESG 경영 지원
공급망 ESG 진단 결과 기반 개선안 지원
대내외 ESG 기준 이행 위한 교육
Enhancement of Business Partner Capability

SK bioscience bolsters partner competitiveness through the SK Shared Growth Academy by offering education and training programs. These include a variety of courses that enhance capabilities and provide opportunities to participate in SK bioscience's proprietary training programs. In the future, we will operate an Open-Lab at our Songdo Global R&PD Center to strengthen our support system for supplier growth.

Additionally, SK bioscience extends its quality management and occupational health and safety management activities across the supply chain to strengthen partners' quality and safety competencies. Regular audits and evaluations are conducted to improve quality systems for primary, secondary, and tertiary partners. the Company also provides safety and health training for on-site partner employees to enhance safety capabilities.

To further strengthen partners' ESG management capabilities, SK bioscience began conducting supply chain ESG assessments in 2023. Based on the assessment results, improvement plans are developed and implementation support is provided for each partner. the Company plans to expand educational programs for partners to elevate ESG management and keep information updated.

Enhancement of Communication Channels

To listen to and actively communicate with suppliers’ grievances, SK bioscience operates a grievance channel in the procurement portal, along with various communication channels such as mail, phone, and video conferencing. We also resolve disputes related to the Code of Ethics through the SK Group Ethical Management Reporting Channel and strictly guarantee the confidentiality of the content of the report and the identity of the informant. In addition, we plan to establish fair trade practices and enhance transparency throughout the supply chain by operating the Voice of Suppliers for secondary and tertiary suppliers.

ESG Risk Management in the Supply Chain
Supply Chain ESG Risk Assessment Process

SK bioscience has established an online inspection system to identify and improve potential ESG risks within the supply chain based on Supplier Code of Conduct and global guidelines. In 2023, the Company selected assessment targets by comprehensively considering transaction amounts and frequencies over the past two years. The entire process included self-assessment, third-party verification, on-site inspections, and consulting to develop improvement tasks.

SK bioscience plans to expand the supply chain ESG assessment process to more partners, aiming to systematically manage supply chain risks and opportunities while strengthening partners' ESG management capabilities. This will help build a more robust and sustainable supply chain.

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  1. 기준 정의 (원청사) : 산업군별 가중치 Setting
  2. 자가진단 (협력사) :Self-check
  3. 3자 검증 (검증사) :증빙 검토 및 평가
  4. 결과 Report (공통) :결과 Feedback, 취약점 분석
  5. 과제 수립/ Progress :개선/고도화 지원
  6. 현장실사/컨설팅 현장방문, 검증 교육/설명회 중장기 과제 수립(컨설팅)

In 2023, SK bioscience completed supply chain ESG risk self-assessments and third-party verifications for 41 partners. The assessment results did not identify any legal violations in major items; however, approximately 76% of participating companies were identified as high-risk, indicating a need for focused improvement in supply chain ESG risks.

In 2024, the Company is expanding the number of partners subject to supply chain ESG risk assessments. SK bioscience will continue to broaden the scope of these assessments to enhance ESG risk management across the entire value chain.

Assessment Indicators & Risk Evaluation Measures

The supply chain ESG management assessment indicators consist of policies, practices, and achievements in respective ESG areas. Based on suppliers’ industry classification, the assessment weightings for respective ESG areas are applied differently.

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환경경영 관리
친환경 제품
온실가스 배출
에너지 소비
폐기물 관리
유해물질 관리
사회 목표 관리
협력사 관리
정보 공시

리스크 평가

Support for Improving Supply Chain ESG Risk

In 2023, SK bioscience disseminated the results of its supply chain ESG risk assessment to participating entities and provided comprehensive improvement consulting for high-risk suppliers. the Company pinpointed key management targets and indicators, devised a risk mitigation plan to elevate all targeted suppliers out of the high-risk category, and systematically monitored the progress of these implementations.

Additionally, SK bioscience executes annual ESG management training for participating suppliers before conducting the supply chain ESG risk assessment. In 2023, the training encompassed general ESG management principles, the necessity of environmental management, disclosure practices, case studies, policies from other entities, and diagnostic guidelines to amplify the efficacy of supply chain ESG risk mitigation. the Company also assisted the 41 consulting partners in setting environmental management objectives and tracking their performance.

In 2024, SK bioscience intends to enhance the current consulting and educational programs, focusing on diversifying and optimizing risk mitigation strategies. This includes systematically monitoring the implementation of improvement plans for key management suppliers, broadening educational support, and introducing collaborative growth support programs. the Company will meticulously evaluate the ESG management training requirements of suppliers involved in the supply chain ESG risk assessment, continuing to offer proactive support through information dissemination, linking to external educational resources, and providing other essential assistance for effective ESG management within the biochemical industry.