
Facts & Figures

Board of Directors

Composition of the Board of Directors
2021~2023년 이사회 구성
Category Unit 2021 2022 2023
Composition of the Board of Directors Executive director(standing) Persons 2 2 2
Outside director Persons 4 4 3
Other non-executive director Persons 0 1 1
Total Persons 6 7 6
Diversity Number of executives aged 30-50 Persons 0 0 0
Number of executives over 50 Persons 6 7 6
Male Persons 5 6 6
Female Persons 1 1 0
The Board’s expertise Number of members with accounting/financial expertise within the Audit Committee1) Persons 1 1 1
Number of outside directors/other non-executive directors with industry experience Persons 1 1 1
Efficiency of the Board2) Average attendance rate of outside directors % 100 98 100
Minimum attendance rate % 100 80 92.8
Average attendance rate % 100 96 98.9
  • 1)Number of directors with CFA, CPA, or accounting and finance backgrounds
  • 2)Reflects the attendance of Mi-jin Jo, the former outside director(January 1, 2023 - December 5, 2023) at the 2023 Board meetings
Activities of the Board of Directors
2021~2023년 이사회 활동
Category Unit 2021 2022 2023
Board meetings held No. 17 15 14
Activities of outside directors Agenda items in which outside directors objected or presented revision opinions No. 1 1 0
Number of subcommittee meetings held ESG-related issues reviewed No. 7 7 2
ESG Committee No. 4 6 8
Audit Committee No. 7 10 8
Internal Transactions Committee No. 2 3 3
Outside Director Candidate Recommendation Committee No. 2 0 2
Nomination and Compensation Committee No. 5 6 7
Nomination and Compensation Committee
2021~2023년 인사위원회 운영현황
Category Unit 2021 2022 2023
Number of outside directors Persons 2 2 2
Attendance rate of outside directors % 100 100 100
Total number of the committee members Persons 3 3 3
Outside Director Candidate Recommendation Committee
2021~2023년 사외이사후보추천위원회 운영현황
Category Unit 2021 2022 2023
Number of outside directors Persons 3 3 3
Attendance rate of outside directors % 100 0 100
Total number of the committee members Persons 3 3 3
Audit Committee
2021~2023년 감사위원회 운영현황
Category Unit 2021 2022 2023
Number of meetings held No. 7 10 8
Number of outside directors Persons 3 3 3
Attendance rate of outside directors % 100 100 100
Total number of the committee members Persons 3 3 3
Remuneration for CEO & Employee
2021~2023년 CEO 및 구성원 보수
Category Unit 2021 2022 2023
CEO remuneration Total annual compensation KRW 1 million 1,000 7,244 5,282
Year-on-year change % 50 624 -27
Total annual compensation % 1.4 8.5 5.8
Total annual compensation rate of change % -21 607 -32
Employee remuneration1) All employees’ remuneration excluding the CEO(or equivalent position) KRW 1 million 68 81 86
Rate of increase/decrease in employee remuneration excluding the CEO(or equivalent position) % 55 19 6
  • 1)2021 and 2022 Data changes in accordance with disclosed data’s criteria
Remuneration for Directors & Auditors of the Board
2021~2023년 이사진 보수
Category Unit 2021 2022 2023
Average pay per person Executive director KRW 1 million 1,015 5,878 5,234
Outside director KRW 1 million 74 89 105
Other non-executive director KRW 1 million - 3,1431) -
Total KRW 1 million 387 2,570 1,555
Total amount paid Executive director KRW 1 million 2,029 17,633 10,468
Outside director KRW 1 million 294 355 420
Other non-executive director KRW 1 million - 3,143 -
Total KRW 1 million 2,324 21,130 10,888
  • 1)Gains on the exercise of stock option

Business Ethics ∙ Compliance

Business Ethics Training
2021~2023년 윤리경영 교육 이수 현황
Category Unit 2021 2022 2023
Completion percentage of entire employees % 100 99 99
Training hours per employee Business ethics workshop Hour 1 1 1
Online training on business ethics Hour 1 1 1
Participants Business ethics workshop Persons 719 861 807
Online training on business ethics Persons 821 918 941
Violation of Laws/Regulations
2021~2023년 법규/규제 위반 현황
Category Unit 2021 2022 2023
Violation of regulations relating to clinical trials in developing countries Number of violations No. 0 0 0
Fine KRW 0 0 0
Unfair business practices prohibited by competition and antitrust laws Number of violations No. 0 0 0
Fine KRW 0 0 0
Violation of customer information protection Number of violations No. 0 0 0
Fine KRW 0 0 0
Violation of domestic marketing activities Number of violations No. 0 0 0
Fine KRW 0 0 0
Violation of regulations regarding counterfeit products Number of violations No. 0 0 0
Fine KRW 0 0 0
Violation of provision of product information Number of violations No. 0 0 0
Fine KRW 0 0 0
Incidents received warnings1) No. 0 0 0
Incidents received fines or penalties2) No. 0 0 0
Incidents that violated voluntary regulation3) No. 0 0 0
  • 1)Incidents received warnings for violating laws, regulations, and voluntary regulations regarding the safety and health impacts of products and services
  • 2)Incidents received fines or penalties for violating laws, regulations, and voluntary regulations regarding the safety and health impacts of products and services
  • 3)Incidents that violated laws, regulations, and voluntary regulations regarding the safety and health impacts of products and services
Ethics Report / Consultation / Violation / Discipline1)
2021~2023년 윤리/제보/처리/징계 현황
Category Unit 2021 2022 2023
Ethics report status Number of violations filed in the reporting channel No. 7 19 13
Number of handled cases among violations filed in the reporting channel No. 7 19 13
Percentage of handled cases among reports filed in the reporting channel % 100 100 100
Ethics report type Unfair practices & abuse of power against business partners No. 0 0 0
Lack of respect for personality among employees No. 2 6 3
Improper handling of work No. 3 10 8
Conflict of interest No. 1 2 1
Undermining social value No. 0 1 0
Compliance violations No. 1 0 1
Status of treatment & disciplinary actions taken in response to ethics reports Dismissal No. 0 0 0
Suspension No. 0 6 2
Reduction in pay No. 1 11 1
Reprimand No. 0 9 1
Warning (verbal/written) No. 0 14 3
Others (unconfirmed, rejected) No. 0 0 0
  • 1)Including the number of report cases of sexual harassment and harassment in the workplace

Risk Management

Information Security
2021~2023년 정보보안
Category Unit 2021 2022 2023
Information security training implementation Web/API development security guideline training Persons - 82 56
Privacy training1) Persons 58 74 106
Security training for employees Persons 543 895 1,020
Information security training Hour 2 2 2
Security training for employees of suppliers Persons 15 66 106
Information security investment The ratio of investment in information security to the total IT budget % 11.1 17.9 16.6
Total IT budget KRW 1 million 5,906 15,721 17,540
Information security-related investments KRW 1 million 658 2,807 2,789
Customer Information Security Violation Status Information security violations and accidents related to customers’ personal information No. 0 0 0
Number of complaints received by external parties/ informants and verified by authority No. 0 0 0
Number of complaints by regulatory authorities related to information breaches No. 0 0 0
Total amount of information security-related fines or administrative fines paid KRW 0 0 0
Customers affected by data breach Persons 0 0 0
  • 1)Only for those handling privacy

Ownership Structure & Shareholders

Share Structure & Annual General Meetings
2021~2023년 주주 구성 및 주주총회
Category Unit 2021 2022 2023
Issued Stocks Number of voting stocks Share 76,500,000 76,784,046 76,827,750
Number of non-voting stocks Share 0 0 -
Total number of Issued Stocks Share 76,500,000 76,784,046 76,827,750
General Meeting Date of advance notice of regular general meeting location and agenda Days (before) 17 24 26