
Facts & Figures

Employee Happiness

2021~2023년 구성원 현황
Category Unit 2021 2022 2023
Total number of employees Persons 1,007 1,079 1,1011)
By age Under 30 Persons 546 464 349
30s and under 50 Persons 422 565 697
50 and above Persons 39 50 55
By site HQ Persons 444 570 651
L House Persons 563 509 450
Managerial position Supervisors/Team Leaders Persons 63 86 92
Executives Persons 31 38 38
Sub-total Persons 94 124 130
By employment Regular worker(male) Persons 415 541 591
Regular worker(female) Persons 260 359 380
Regular worker(sub-total) Persons 675 900 971
Contract worker(male) Persons 221 119 78
Contract worker(female) Persons 111 60 52
Contract worker(sub-total) Persons 332 179 130
By gender Male Persons 636 660 669
Female Persons 371 419 432
By occupation2) Technical/ production/ maintenance Persons 525 483 416
Office job Persons 166 192 206
Research Persons 208 280 336
Sales Persons 40 39 47
Other jobs Persons 37 46 58
  • 1)The difference from the 1,095 employees in the annual report is due to the inclusion of seven standing executives.
  • 2)Calculated except executives
New Hires
2021~2023년 신규채용 현황
Category Unit 2021 2022 2023
By age Under 30 Persons 272 80 46
30s and under 50 Persons 310 158 110
50 and above Persons 21 11 2
By gender Male Persons 363 130 103
Female Persons 240 119 55
By site HQ Persons 320 187 141
L House Persons 283 62 17
Total Persons 603 249 158
R&D Personnel
2021~2023년 연구개발 구성원 현황
Category Unit 2021 2022 2023
PhD Persons 17 38 43
Master Persons 143 180 201
Bachelor Persons 51 71 75
Total Persons 211 289 319
Employee Diversity
2021~2023년 구성원 다양성
Category Unit 2021 2022 2023
Female employees Female employees Persons 365 411 425
Female executives Persons 6 8 7
Ratio of female employees % 37 39 39
Female managers Working-level(G2-G3) Persons 14 19 17
Female executives Persons 6 8 7
Total number of female managers Persons 20 27 24
Female managers by division STEM position(female) Persons 9 12 10
STEM position(total) Persons 29 38 32
Revenue-generating division/position (female) Persons 3 27 20
Revenue-generating division/position (total) Persons 6 70 72
Disabled Personnel Persons 43 36 36
Ratio % 4.3 3.3 3.3
Veterans Personnel Persons 1 1 1
Ratio % 0.1 0.1 0.1
Employee Training
2021~2023년 구성원 교육 현황
Category Unit 2021 2022 2023
Training cost1) Average cost of training per employee KRW 1 million 2.2 3.3 3.3
Total training cost KRW 1 million 2,070 3,491 3,653
Training hours Average training hours per employee Hour 6 43 70
Total training hours Hour 5,537 44,283 68,694
Pharmacovigilance training2) Regular training3) Persons4) 587/618 769/769 881/881
Training for new hires Persons4) 284/287 312/312 257/257
Total number of employees participating in training Persons4) 871/905 1,081/1,081 1,138/1,138
Human rights training Average training hours per employee Hour 2 2 2
Number of employees participating in training Persons 795 1,021 1,038
Training relating to responsible marketing3) Target employees Persons 1125) 49 56
Number of participants Persons 1125) 485) 56
  • 1)2021 and 2022 data changes/recalculated based on the disclosure criteria
  • 2)All employees are eligible and are encouraged to complete the training, with the goal of achieving 100% completion every year. (2022 data change due to errors)
  • 3)Contract workers with contracts less than 6 months, outside directors, and advisors who face difficulty in completing training due to the nature of their work, as well as employees on maternity/parental leave, are excluded from regular training.
  • 4)Number of participants/target
  • 5)2021 and 2022 data changes due to 2) reason
Employee Satisfaction
2021~2023년 구성원 만족도 조사
Category Unit 2021 2022 2023
Participation rate % 61.3 83.7 63.8
Number of participants Persons 328 582 493
Total score Score(0-100) 65.3 67.7 64.5
Employee Performance Evaluation
2021~2023년 구성원 성과평가
Category Unit 2021 2022 2023
Rate of employees received regular performance reviews1) By gender Male % 74.3 93.6 93.6
Female % 75.2 95.6 93.2
By position G1 % 76.9 92.9 94.1
G2 & G3 % 78.2 93.5 90.8
G/Full-time non-regular staff % 67.1 98.0 96.9
  • 1)Performance evaluations are conducted for all employees except those hired on or after July 1 of the evaluation year or those who have been on a leave of absence for more than six months.
Compensation System
2021~2023년 구성원 보상체계
Category Unit 2021 2022 2023
Pay ratio by gender1) Executives % 92 110 99
Manager % 98 99 103
Non-managerial staff % 100 100 102
Total2) % 90 90 88
Employee Stock Ownership Plan(ESOP) status Depository Name Korea Securities Finance Corporation Korea Securities Finance Corporation Korea Securities Finance Corporation
Number of shares owned Share 2,288,008 623,603 411,390
Share ratio % 3 0.8 0.5
Number of people enrolled in pension support Defined Benefit(DB) Persons 301 713 1072
Defined Contribution(DC) Persons - 2 5
  • 1)Target: Employees at the end of the current year (including executive officers)
  • 2)Gender proportion is reflected when calculating the average number of employees
Expenses for Fringe Benefits
2021~2023년 복리후생비
Category Unit 2021 2022 2023
Expenses for fringe benefits per person1) KRW 1 million 4.0 4.8 5.6
Total expenses for fringe benefits KRW 1 million 3,778 5,067 6,121
  • 1)2021 and 2022 data change due to errors
Childcare Leave
2021~2023년 육아휴직 사용 현황
Category Unit 2021 2022 2023
Users of childcare leave Male Persons 5 7 8
Female Persons 4 5 18
Sub-total Persons 9 12 26
Employees who have returned after childcare leave Male Persons 2 7 7
Female Persons 6 4 7
Sub-total Persons 8 11 14
Employees who have served more than one year after reinstatement1) Male Persons 0 2 8
Female Persons 4 10 14
Sub-total Persons 4 12 22
Average days of use Day 202 238 228
  • 1)Includes the number of returnees from the previous year.
Employee Turnover Status
2021~2023년 구성원 이직 현황
Category Unit 2021 2022 2023
Total number of voluntary turnover Persons 280 64 71
By position Executives Persons 0 0 0
Manager Persons 10 2 7
Non-managerial staff Persons 270 62 64
By age Under 30 Persons 67 25 23
30s and under 50 Persons 206 39 46
50 and above Persons 7 0 2
By gender Male Persons 181 35 44
Female Persons 99 29 27
Labor Practices
2021~2023년 노동관행
Category Unit 2021 2022 2023
Labor Practices Strikes/closures perceived by the Company No. 0 1 0
Number of employees joining the labor union Persons 67 141 139
Number of employees entitled to collective bargaining Persons 67 141 139
Group membership rate % 100 100 100

Safety · Health

Safety Training
2021~2023년 안전교육 이수 현황
Category Unit 2021 2022 2023
Training hours Training hours per person
(HQ: Non-office Job)
Hour 24 24 24
Training hours per person
(HQ: Office Job)
Hour 12 12 12
Training hours per person (Andong) Hour 16 24 24
Total training hours Hour 16,872 19,8691) 20,343
Employees who received training Persons 939 9451) 1,021
  • 1)2022 data change due to errors
Industrial Accident
2021~2023년 산업재해 관리지표
Category Unit 2021 2022 2023
Occupational accident Number of accident1) No.(Case) 1 0 0
Accident rate % 0.1 0 0
Lost-Time Injuries Rate, LTIR (employees) Case/1 million working hours 0.1 0 0
Total Recordable Injury Rate, TRIR (employees) Case/1 million working hours 0.49 0 0.48
Total working hours Hour 2,030,112 2,140,736 2,186,498
Loss Lost workday Day 29 0 0
Rate % 0.014 0 0
Number of work-related deaths Employees No.(Case) 0 0 0
Business partners No.(Case) 0 0 0
Ratio % 0 0 0
  • 1)Based on Korea Occupational Safety and Health Agency(KOSHA)

Win-win Management

Business Partners
2021~2023년 협력사 관리 현황
Category Unit 2021 2022 2023
Number of business partners Major partners1) No. 32 16 22
Other partners No. 334 513 337
Total No. 366 529 359
  • 1)Suppliers with an annual transaction volume of KRW 1 billion or more
Corporate Philanthropy
2021~2023년 사회공헌 활동 현황
Category Unit 2021 2022 2023
Corporate philanthropic activities Annual participation Persons 79 429 880
Total participation time Hour 221 1,036 1,951
Participation time per person Hour 2.8 2.4 2.2
Contribution amount per sales % 0.3 1.1 0.9
Resources for corporate philanthropy1) Volunteering hours Hour 221 1,036 1,951
Total expense KRW 1 million 2,507 5,162 3,498
  • 1)Calculated as the total of corporate philanthropy expenses including donations, funds, and in-kind donations

Product Safety & Quality

Quality Inspection
2021~2023년 품질점검
Category Unit 2021 2022 2023
Number of due diligence targeting client company No. 2 4 1
Number of quality inspection targeting health authorities No. 5 7 2
Number of due diligence targeting business partners No. 103 53 80
Total No. 110 64 83
Drug Safety
2021~2023년 약품 안전성
Category Unit 2021 2022 2023
Drug Safety Number of recalls No. 0 0 0
Total number of units of recalled products No. 0 0 0
Total amount of products approved for recovery, reuse, or disposal Ton 0 01) 0
  • 1)2022 Data change due to errors
Responsible Marketing
2021~2023년 책임 있는 마케팅
Category Unit 2021 2022 2023
Number of warnings received for violating marketing regulations No. 0 0 0
Number of fines or penalties received for violating marketing regulations No. 0 0 0
Number of incidents that violated voluntary self-regulation in marketing No. 0 0 0